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Erectile dysfunction, in 1 in 5 cases is linked to the psyche

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Erectile dysfunction, in 1 in 5 cases is linked to the psyche

Cold, days with little light: January is not an easy month to deal with and as always Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year, arriving on January 15th, also weighs heavily. This would be established by an equation developed in 2005 by Cliff Arnallpsychologist from Cardiff University, who, taking into consideration the main critical issues of this period of the year, including the end of the holidays, the low temperatures and the few hours of daylight, identified the third Monday of January as the day where sadness reaches its peak.

“Beyond any pretense of scientific rigor in the formula, the choice to identify that day as the most depressing day of the year can be an opportunity to develop awareness of the influence of emotional states on the organism, including mental disorders. intimacy”, observe the experts of the Italian Society of Andrology (Sia).

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The impact of mood on sexuality

“The bad mood resulting from the time that has passed since Christmas and from the weather conditions can also have repercussions on sexual desire – he underlines Alessandro Palmieri, president of the Italian Society of Andrology (SIA) and professor of Urology at the Federico II University of Naples -. Erectile dysfunction, in fact, is caused in 20% of cases by psychological problems, in particular mood, stress and anxiety. So if there really is one saddest day of the year then it will be when sexual desire and fulfillment languish.”

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If testosterone is missing

Furthermore, the role of the male sexual hormone par excellence, testosterone, which in winter, with the short days, notoriously reaches its minimum, should not be underestimated. “Scientific studies show that in the winter period, i.e. in the season in which the hours of darkness prevail, testosterone levels are lower than in the seasons in which the hours of light are predominant – explains Palmieri -. The decline in testosterone, combined with the psychological factor, could explain why male sexual desire can decrease at this time of year. Therefore, never more than in this season has it become important for men to take care of their health so that Blue Monday does not persist all day winter or even all year round”.

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For this reason the SIA, in collaboration with the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Catanzaro, has developed a new supplement, the first tailor-made for him, created by an Italian scientific company with positive effects on men’s health in general , including mood.

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The andrologists’ supplement

“Among the 7 substances contained in Drolessane, there is in particular tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps to increase the content of serotonin, the ‘sadness-killing’ hormone, in the body, helping to recover good mood and consequently the sexual well-being,” he explains Chiara Polito, andrologist at the Complex Urology Department of the Cardinal Massaia Hospital in Asti and member of the SIA board of directors. The new supplement is also based on 6 other natural substances ranging from green tea to silymarin, from sulforaphane to lycopene, escin and glutathione, which according to data collected in a recent review published in the journal Uro, have demonstrated a powerful antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory.

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“A cocktail of compounds mainly extracted from plants known for their healing abilities that represents a health option for all healthy men who want to maintain their sexual and general well-being for a long time,” concludes Polito.

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