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How to make brigadeiro for filling and topping

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How to make brigadeiro for filling and topping

Looking for the perfect brigadeiro recipe for filling? You just found it! This brigadeiro has the perfect texture not only for filling cakes and cookies, but also for toppings. Furthermore, it is possible to prepare it in 2 textures, depending on its use.

And of course, it’s so delicious that you’ll want to eat it plain.

With a super creamy texture, this brigadeiro recipe is perfect not only for fillings, but also for cake toppings.

Creamy Pastry

It’s likely that you’ve already tried using the traditional brigadeiro to make fillings and toppings and it didn’t work out very well, right?

This is because, the brigadeiro, to be eaten with a spoon or even rolled up, has a firmer texture. Even if you cook it to a softer point, it may become too liquid, not holding the filling.

But once you try this creamy brigadeiro, you’ll never want to do it any other way. I myself have used this recipe as a cookie filling and pavé topping and it has always been a success.

Furthermore, as I said, you can work on this brigadeiro in 2 points:

As soon as it starts to come away from the pan, you can turn it off and ensure a softer texture, perfect for cake toppings, those that runny; Likewise, you can continue cooking until the dough becomes firmer for fillings that don’t runny.

Chocolate, powdered chocolate or cocoa, which one to choose to make brigadeiro?

I confess that it will be very difficult to find a recipe where I recommend chocolate milk. This is because this ingredient has a high amount of sugar that affects not only the flavor but also the texture of the sweets.

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Even though powdered chocolate also contains sugar in its composition, the percentage is a little lower. Therefore, it generally ends up being my choice.

But, if you want an intense chocolate flavor, you can opt for cocoa powder. I only suggest that you opt for alkaline cocoa, which has a milder flavor.

Check out how to make brigadeiro for filling

Prep Time:
20 minutes

Total Time:
20 minutes

Super creamy and delicious, this brigadeiro is perfect for fillings and toppings.


1 can of condensed milk; 3 tablespoons of chocolate powder; 80 g of chocolate bars; 200 ml of cream.


Off the heat, start by mixing the condensed milk, chocolate powder and cream and stir until uniform; Then add the chocolate bar in small pieces and cook over low heat, stirring constantly; If you want a brigadeiro softer, as soon as it starts to come away from the pan, remove it from the heat. For a firmer texture, let it cook for a few more minutes until it becomes very creamy; a great option to replace dulce de leche in this wonderful rocambole; And of course, this brigadeiro is PERFECT for topping a carrot cake.

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