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Gustavo Petro asks to investigate Colombian airlines

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Gustavo Petro asks to investigate Colombian airlines

This was mentioned by the Chocoano producer, composer and performer, Alexis Play through his Instagram account where he spoke about the situation that the department has faced for decades:

“Years of systematic impoverishment that they deny all the time, as punishment for I don’t know what, years of complaining to the superintendencies about the high costs of air tickets, years of talking about the issue of these roads and every winter burying friends and family, years with expensive public services of very poor quality, years of charging us for mobile phones with terrible coverage, but who listens to us? Are we transparent or definitively invisible? “Are we so black that we don’t see each other?” was part of the artist’s message.

On the other hand, Gustavo Petro also referred to the Indigenous Guard, mentioning that it has collaborated from the first moment in finding the victims, which is why he rejected the stigmatization and the column of political and media sectors taking responsibility for the tragedy.

“The fact that the vehicular flow had stopped did not correspond to human blockades, but to ten landslides that occurred on the road,” said the president.

See also  Petro announced plans to present a new tax reform in 2025

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