Home » Towards criminal shield for doctors, ‘wall on pensions at 72 years’

Towards criminal shield for doctors, ‘wall on pensions at 72 years’

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Towards criminal shield for doctors, ‘wall on pensions at 72 years’

Doctors Fight for Criminal Shield and Against Retirement Age Increase

Doctors in Italy are fighting for the decriminalization of the medical act and against the proposed increase of the voluntary retirement age from 70 to 72. These two measures are expected to be addressed through amendments to the Milleproroghe, but doctors are ready to take action, including a new general strike, to resist the changes.

The largest hospital doctors’ union, Anaao Assomed, is leading the charge, with secretary Pierino Di Silverio clarifying the position of the medical community. According to Di Silverio, the union has received confirmation from political forces that an amendment to the Milleproroghe is in the works to reinstate the criminal shield, which was previously activated during the Covid pandemic. The criminal shield is crucial for doctors, as Italy is among the few countries that have not implemented the decriminalization of the medical act.

Di Silverio emphasized the need for doctors to have peace of mind when operating without the threat of legal disputes hanging over them. The union leader also highlighted the absurdity of the current situation, where the legal system is clogged with cases against doctors that often end in acquittal, leading to years of costly and damaging legal battles for the medical community.

While the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, acknowledged the need for decriminalization, the union remains firm in opposing the proposed increase in the voluntary retirement age. Di Silverio stated that the measure to raise the retirement age had been repeatedly introduced and withdrawn in the past, with the real motive being to favor certain groups rather than addressing the actual needs of the healthcare system.

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The union has vowed to continue protesting, including planned strikes in February, until the government addresses their concerns. As the debate continues, doctors in Italy are standing together to fight for the rights and well-being of the medical community.

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