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“Irreversible damage to health if action is not taken immediately”

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The consequences on human healthDespite the difficulties imposed by Covid-19, it is necessary to intervene to limit the damage of global warming on men’s health. According to the authors of this multi-voiced editorial, the increase in temperature of about + 1.1 Ā° C compared to the pre-industrial era has already produced significant damage, making many diseases more and more frequent: “The higher temperatures have led to an increase in dehydration and kidney problems, gods malignant tumors of the skin, tropical infections, mental problems, complications of pregnancy, allergies and mortality, and cardiovascular and pulmonary morbidity “, reads the article.

Most vulnerable hit first – Scientists also point out that the increase in temperatures is closely linked to the decline in agricultural production, in a chain reaction that ends up increasing the difficulties in the fight against malnutrition. It is above all to pay the costs of global warming the weakest and most vulnerable social groups such as the poorest communities, minorities, the elderly and children.

The alarm for the future – According to a report released in early August, the situation is far from under control. The increase in the earth’s temperature shows no sign of slowing down and by 2030 it could reach the threshold of + 1.5 Ā° C. Should this forecast become reality – in addition to the inevitable loss of biodiversity caused by continuing environmental disasters – the damage to our health would be “catastrophic and irreversible”.

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