Home » Udinese / Pozzo are at big risk: a fine of more than 30 million from Spain

Udinese / Pozzo are at big risk: a fine of more than 30 million from Spain

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Udinese / Pozzo are at big risk: a fine of more than 30 million from Spain

The Pozzos are at huge risk right now. A super fine of more than 30 million euros could arrive from Spain: here’s why

At this moment, the Pozzo family risks quite a bit. In fact, Udinese is indirectly involved in the Granada affair. The Spanish team, which was owned by the group managed by Giampaolo, has come under scrutiny for various movements that have left many suspicious.

The request of the Spanish AntiCorrupcion is clear: 36.5 million euros. A situation that is not simple and which will need to be followed and managed very carefully. The reason why this investigation was born is mainly determined by how the money arrived get Granada out of a crisis which was slowly leading him to bankruptcy. We just have to wait and see what the Pozzos’ final decision will be.

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January 17 – 11:02

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