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Recommendations regarding the impact of the El Niño Phenomenon

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Recommendations regarding the impact of the El Niño Phenomenon

The Government of Risaralda, led by Governor Juan Diego Patiño Ochoa, has intensified its efforts to confront the El Niño Phenomenon, which has significantly affected the department in recent weeks. Diana Carolina Ramírez, Departmental Coordinator of Risk Management, offered a detailed assessment of the consequences of the phenomenon and presented a series of recommendations to confront the situation.

The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) officially declared the El Niño Phenomenon on November 3, marking the beginning of a period characterized by a significant increase in temperatures. The Risk Management Office has recorded an increase in the number of vegetation cover fires in several municipalities of Risaralda, with 78 burns and 28 vegetation cover fires from November to the current date.

Diana Carolina Ramírez expressed her concern about the situation, pointing out that most of the burnings occur in rural areas when farmers carry out soil preparatory activities for cultivation. In addition, the Coordinator highlighted the problem of water shortages in community aqueducts, particularly in three aqueducts in Santa Rosa de Cabal.

Governor Juan Diego Patiño Ochoa has been actively participating in the National Crisis Room, collaborating with the Risk Management Unit and receiving updated reports on the evolution of the El Niño Phenomenon in the department.

IDEAM periodically issues alert statements, and in the latest report, the municipalities of Belén de Umbría, Mistrató and Pereira have been placed on orange alert due to the probability of vegetation cover fires, while Apía and Pueblo Rico are on alert. yellow. The importance of constant monitoring of the phenomenon is highlighted, since the alerts can change depending on the variation in temperature.

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Recommendations for the population:

Do not throw cigarette butts or lit matches on the ground.
Avoid controlled burning.
Do not leave garbage or waste in wooded areas.
Do not throw glass bottles in vegetation areas.
Refrain from making bonfires.

Additionally, recommendations are made to prevent health problems, such as avoiding prolonged exposure to high temperatures, using sunscreen, and staying hydrated to avoid heat stroke.

Given the challenging situation presented by the El Niño Phenomenon, the Government of Risaralda urges the community to follow these recommendations and actively collaborate in mitigating the adverse impacts on the environment and public health.

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