Home » Salvini insulted under the ministry. The “No Tutto” defame and slander

Salvini insulted under the ministry. The “No Tutto” defame and slander

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Salvini insulted under the ministry.  The “No Tutto” defame and slander

This time, however, the “No Tutto” went too far by defaming and slandering

There is news that sometimes leaves the official media circuit because it is not considered high politics but almost local news which however is not such because ordinary people are not interested in elaborate and sophisticated summits but in everyday life.

Yesterday Roma it was a strange day. First with a cougar sun that only the Capital can offer in the middle of January and then, suddenly cold, with an icy wind that rose from the north-east.

I was at dusk near the Nomentanaa very suggestive neighborhood of Rome.

The lemon yellow street lamps of the Eternal City had recently turned on, outlining the features of an impressionist, almost fairytale-like picture, when I heard a confused croaking in the distance.

As I got closer I realized that it was a demonstration taking place under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in Porta Piawhere the Bersaglieri entered Rome on 20 September 1870, crowning the Risorgimento dream of the reunification of the Papal State with Italy.

I got closer and was able to hear part of the speech:

This is shocking, I don’t know how to add anything else, now it says ‘Italians first’ but in reality he says the mafiosi first and the ‘ndrangheta first because if he wants the Bridge today it is clear that he has confiscated the votes that the ‘ndrangheta and the Camorra brought him, and above all the mafia because he needs them in power”.

Then the “speaker” – so to speak – is replaced by another: “This evening, Mr Salvini I tell you, maybe you build the Bridge between your brain and your mouth, maybe something good will come out of it.”

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Applause is inevitable for these last profound theoretical exhortations.

It is not clear which yet another “No Everything” committee this time it was, the flags were orange with a stylized black lightning bolt, but in the evening Minister Salvini declared in this regard:

“Lacking ideas, the committees of NO (read: the usual extremist left) gather under my ministry to insult me.

Freedom of the streets yes, freedom of slander no: the appropriate measures will be taken.”

And in fact he is not entirely wrong. Often in Italy freedom is confused with excess, law with usurpation, the legitimate expression of different ideas, which is also protected by the same Constitution through article 21, with the poison of verbal violence, with the lack of measure.

Talk about support to Salvini and the Bridge project of serious and threatening realities for the State, such as the mafia, ‘ndrangheta and camorra, go beyond the right to express their ideas to reach the territory of defamation and slander.

However, this mechanism is often protected by anonymity, see the case of the suicide of Giovanna Pedrettiwhich provides false security to perpetrators that they are outside the law.

But fortunately the same technology that rightly gives everyone the opportunity to express themselves also provides the means to identify those who misuse this great possibility and punish them.

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