Home » “Help us give people a better life”: the appeal of Spanish Prime Minister Sànchez to the entrepreneurs present in Davos

“Help us give people a better life”: the appeal of Spanish Prime Minister Sànchez to the entrepreneurs present in Davos

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“Help us give people a better life”: the appeal of Spanish Prime Minister Sànchez to the entrepreneurs present in Davos

“I ask you to commit. Help us elevate the purchasing power of workers, a curb the climate emergencyto claim the international standards and to defend the democracy and to fight against the involution represented byreactionary wave that travels the world. In summary, help us give to people a better life“. The prime minister spoke like this at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Pedro Sánchez, who in Spain leads a centre-left government. Sànchez spoke immediately after the speech – of a diametrically opposite nature – by the ultra-liberal Argentine president Javier Miley who had spoken of alleged dangers for the West due to “socialism”.

Indeed, Sánchez made a more than clear reference to the speech just made by the South American head of state. “Don’t believe in neoliberal postulates who present the State as an entity” that “does not create value” and do not believe that “the only responsibility of companies is increase benefits for shareholders. These concepts have proven to be wrong – says the Spanish Prime Minister – businesses need governments to innovate e grow” and if we don’t collaborate “we can’t overcome the great challenges of our era.” The socialist prime minister, probably the only left-wing leader in Europe who enjoys relative popular consensus in his own country, urged companies “not to be carried away by the media and radical parties obsessed with presenting ‘the state and business‘” as systemic rivals“. “Don’t fall into the trap, let’s collaborate and cooperate to build bridges” and “establish new forms of cooperation and public-private alliance“. “Government and businesses – he continues – work together to build a new prosperity and a new virtuous triangle formed by the private sector, the State and civil society that allows us to guarantee economic prosperity, the improvement of well-being and equality and environmental sustainability ”.

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The Spanish Prime Minister also called for an end to the wars in Ukraine e Gaza “where is the decision being made? future stability of the world, as we speak.” “We cannot be wrong like we have been wrong elsewhere,” Sanchez said. “We must be consistent and defend the same principles and values ​​where and when they are broken. We must give impetus to dialogue, to the rule of law, to peace,” he added.

The second global challenge highlighted by Sanchez is “the governance ofartificial intelligence“. As a firm “defender” of the progress scientificurged us to “pay more attention to concerns of ours workersof ours young and gods elderly people and less to the empty promises of alcuni teacher Of Silicon Valleymore interested in winning followers or rising in the ranks list of millionaires Of Forbes than to the real progress of humanity”. “It is our duty – concluded the Spanish Prime Minister – to understand that people’s concerns should not be ignored. Which is a real dangerwhich we must answer effective e coordinated“.

The article “Help us give people a better life”: Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez’s appeal to the entrepreneurs present in Davos comes from Il Fatto Quotidiano.

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