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This is our opportunity – breaking latest news

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This is our opportunity – breaking latest news

Dr. Camilo Espinosa Pereira

Yes, although it may sound paradoxical, the serious problem of insecurity that the country is experiencing, caused by drug crime, must be transformed into a magnificent opportunity to grasp, learn, reprimand y undertake.

First we must make a reading of the national reality, as objectively as possible, stripped of political-ideological prejudices, in order to grasp and become aware of the seriousness of the problem we are experiencing, analyzing it in its cause and effect relationship. Elementary logic teaches us that, to solve a problem, we must address its causality, until the effect that has been produced is eliminated.

Once the national reality is understood and we are aware of what is happening to us, it is necessary learn of this historical lesson so as not to commit the same political-administrative mistakes again. The investigations of the State Attorney General’s Office, plus the contribution of the FF. AA. and the National Police, are showing us that the cancer of narco-terrorism has metastasized to the point of compromising the highest levels of the State. Therefore, the lesson must be very clear to us: never again give our power at the polls to those who have already shown us that they do not deserve it, because they are not worthy, because they have used it for personal gain, without caring. the serious damage they have caused to the country.

Once the causality of the problem has been analyzed, it is necessary to identify and reprimand to the perpetrators, punishing them with the maximum rigor of the Law. The punishment must be directly proportional to the seriousness of the offense committed. The problem of citizen insecurity has resulted in the violation of universal human rights. The right to freedom, private property, free mobility, work without extortion and the fundamental right to life have been disrespected. We must not allow those responsible for this serious problem to remain comfortably installed in the comfort zone of impunity, as if they had done nothing.

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Once the forces of evil have been neutralized and these narco-criminal mafias have been punished, as they deserve, it is necessary undertake in a country project, recovering our historical identity, rediscovering who we are, where we are, how to get out of the swamp in which we have fallen and where we should go, defining a new prospective horizon. To determine what we want as a country, we must look at the little ones, at the new generations that come after us, to ask them what world they want us to leave them. It is the task of the family, the school and the State to build a new society permeated by principles, values ​​and virtues that dignify human beings. If we do not educate comprehensively in the family and at school, we will never transform the harsh reality of the country.

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