Home » Morlupo: cat killed with firecrackers: corpse left in municipal gardens

Morlupo: cat killed with firecrackers: corpse left in municipal gardens

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Morlupo: cat killed with firecrackers: corpse left in municipal gardens

The cat killed by firecrackers in Morlupo

A cat killed by firecrackers exploding, the body tortured and left lifeless in a garden. Another episode of torture and killing of an animal.

This time the episode occurred in Morlupo, in the province of Rome, on January 15th. A lady who was walking her dog found what remained of the cat and notified the local police. The volunteers of two local associations that collaborate with the Enpa Section of Rome reported it to the National Animal Protection Enpa: the Calico Odv and the Club of Four-legged Friends Odv.

The corpse of the kitten massacred by burns

The cat was found with obvious signs of violence caused by the explosion of firecrackers. The feline’s body is full of burns and pieces of melted plastic. The horror probably occurred last Sunday, in the gardens of the amphitheater in Piazza Diaz in Morlupo. Precisely in that clearing, local police and law enforcement were continuously reported to the police about children shooting bombs and firecrackers in the afternoon.

The Oipa lawyer: “Severer penalties”

“After the Barletta case we still find ourselves faced with a cat killed and tortured with firecrackers, a horror that is repeated and which confirms the spiral of violence that is affecting animals at the moment and which worries us enormously. We immediately activated the Enpa legal office through the lawyer Claudia Ricci and we are trying to understand if there are images from cameras recorded in the area. I thank the volunteers from the associations who attended. We had already raised an alarm about the increase in violence against animals by minors, who are increasingly involved in these crimes. We need more severe penalties and recognition of the social danger of individuals who commit these crimes against animals. Until we get these tools to counter this escalation of violence and social degradation we will never tire of asking for it.”

Carla Rocchi: “The killing of animals indicates social danger”

“The close correlation – concludes Carla Rocchi – existing between the mistreatment or killing of animals, interpersonal violence and any other deviant, antisocial and criminal conduct, defined as «Link», has been amply demonstrated by national and international literature. The mistreatment and killing of animals are scientifically considered specific indicators of social danger, i.e. phenomena predictive of contemporary or subsequent other deviant, antisocial or criminal conduct. This is why we ask for severe penalties and for the social danger of these individuals to be recognised.”

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