Home » CAN 2023 with the scent of nouchi – The Republic seen from above

CAN 2023 with the scent of nouchi – The Republic seen from above

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CAN 2023 with the scent of nouchi – The Republic seen from above

The CAN (Africa Cup of Nations) Ivory Coast 2023 which began on January 13, 2024 attracts thousands of African football fanatics and journalists from all four corners of the globe. Nouchi, the slang spoken in the streets of Ivory Coast, will undoubtedly also be part of the show. Already the Ivorian is very welcoming by nature, but the knowledge of a few Nouchi words is an advantage of communion of CAN guests with the local population; this outside the game, in the streets in particular, during matches and even after sporting events.


Small Ivorian glossary (1)

Outside of the game

Outside the game and on the streetsthe respect is the first factor of sympathy in Ivory Coast. It manifests itself at first contact by greeting. And this must be done with warmth and humility. “Hello”, “good evening” or even “goodbye” is therefore not dry and cold, it must be accompanied by a designation which informs your interlocutor of the consideration you have for them.

So we say for example: “ Bonjour,the father ” to greet someone older than you. “ The father », which recalls the appellation of the priests of the Catholic Church, notes the seniority of your interlocutor, therefore his wisdom, is in reality the diminutive of the expression “ Old Father ». Expression of respect, ” The father “, also said majestically, attracts all the sympathy of the person to whom it is addressed. Politeness easily opens hearts in Ivory Coast.

In the spirit of this expression and its symmetry, we have: “ My son “, to address much younger people. Next to ” The father “ which marks …

Warning: do not confuse ” The father “ which is the expression of the dignity of the individual to whom this term is addressed, and “Lopère” which, for its part, refers to the baseness of its recipient, for example Lopère Daloa (individual of a certain age who stood out for his movements on his stomach in front of VIPs in a spirit of begging).

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Next to the polite formula ” the father “ which shows respect for the elder and promotes the protection of the latter, ” my son “ as for it is proof d’affection for an individual who is much younger than you. It is at the same time a duty of consideration of this younger brother towards his elder, ” his father “. Et « the son » casual will not disappoint you, it will be totally helpful to you.

Be careful though, the service is certainly a gift, but it should not be crazy (free), because you don’t have to be atcheb, awlan or stingy towards “ the son “. It is therefore necessary, clearly, to demonstrate generosity, by sliding honesty gbringbrin or mougoumougou to his occasional henchman. This gesture will certainly not make him your Ropero or your ropedfortunately moreover because this expression which means at least parasite, handymanis negatively charged, but your action will guarantee you a good littlea dedicated and loyal cadet.

Clarification : Gbringbrin or mougoumougou refers to small change. It corresponds more to the tip in French. Be careful not to confuse mougou et mougoumougou. The first, which is an action verb in the Dioula language and whose name is the mougoulirefers to an act that modesty keeps us from describing, without ignoring the fact that many supporters could indulge so much during this month of competitions in the hotels (hotels) of CAN host cities with pkokles (prostitutes).

Incidentally, the Cape Verdean supporters make their Ivorian hosts fantasize a lot on social networks, who never stop saying joke and of jokes about their great beauty. Once again, be careful! Joke is certainly everywhere in Côte d’Ivoire and it promotes cordiality, but Ivorians are not plai-en-tin. Supporters could return to their country with an eternal souvenir of CAN Côte d’Ivoire 2023: a baby CAN.

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Off the field, respect, affection, honesty, and joking guarantee friendliness on the part of the Ivorians. Knowing certain nouchi expressions used during meetings will accentuate the kindness of these hosts.


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During the game

In the stands, in the fan zones and other public spaces, notably the maquis, where the matches will be seen, we will be able to hear some expressions, such as: “Referee makes combination”, to say that the match referee is partisan. Certain footballers who perform poorly will, without malice, be treated as sacof Boroor even “ boubou “. Selectors who coach their team poorly will be recognized as strong but : “strong in rascal”. Other players, those efficient and decisive, will be described as: “ bad “, of “toxic”.

“Masochistic supporter” Photo credit Abidjanais-Mondoblog

The team that achieves great performance will simply be described as « rouge »so much so that it arouses “ yoi » or fear among his adversaries. What could be more normal since the latter do not want us to do their sauce, or be careful not to get crushed. To do this they will either have to gboro their opponents, that is to say engaging in anti-gambling acts against them, and thus exposing themselves to red cards, or it will be necessary play stool, which means playing very low on the pitch. Even so, they are more likely to be kpatra (beat) by their opponents than to beat these latter. A butluck or one but why? mean a lucky goal or a goal against the run of play, could nevertheless give the team victory tocklo(approximate team).


Small Ivorian glossary (2)

After the game

The post-match lexicon is no less rich and very fair play. Already at the end of the group matches some teams tocklo will be take it (exits) from the competition. Quite simply because they have typed posts (fail) during this phase of the competition. They will therefore djo, or return to their country. This was for example the case, even much more tragic, for the golden generation of the Elephants of Côte d’Ivoire, from 2006 to 2014, led by its captain Didier Drogba and the academicians, who unfortunately hit the posts in two finals of CAN. fair plays their compatriots have not yet gran’n on them or rejected.

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After the match, fans might proudly chant that their team I have during the meeting, she demonstrated a great performance. And if ever his prowess is unanimous, the team will simply have spoiled the corneror already crowd. Quite simply because there was no man for his players, or their opponents were not up to their standards that evening. The latter will simply have pulled into the water. This is obviously not what the Ivorians want for their national team, with the average level of the first matches of the competition and the positive feedback about the grand and colorful opening ceremonythey never stop hammering at Elephants one of the most famous Nouchi proverbs: « Dindinman n’a pas luck », resulting in ” Luck favors the brave “. All the lights are therefore on the green side for her to win her third CAN. To Elephants so not to play dindinmanor not wallor to take their chance.

Nouchi, with its particularity, a mixture of local languages ​​(Ivory Coast has at least sixty) and foreign languages, all against a backdrop of traditional values ​​of the people of Ivory Coast, is already a guarantee of communion. guests of the CAN and the populations who welcome them. The best we can wish for in the competition is that crowd already (total success) so that enjailment (joy) be gnan’n (great) in all hearts and everywhere in Africa.

I wish (Welcome) to all delegations. Bôrô of enjailement! (What joy!)


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