Home » Middle East, the EU Parliament criticizes Israel’s “disproportionate” response but is divided on peace

Middle East, the EU Parliament criticizes Israel’s “disproportionate” response but is divided on peace

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Middle East, the EU Parliament criticizes Israel’s “disproportionate” response but is divided on peace

Condemnation of Israel for a response considered “disproportionate” despite the right to respond to terrorist attacks, and the request for a “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza, albeit under certain conditions. The Chamber of the European Parliament takes a position on the Arab-Israeli issue with a motion that ends up splitting the European Parliament.

On the one hand, there is clear criticism (312 in favour, 131 against, 72 abstentions) for how the Israeli armed forces are conducting operations in Palestinian territory. The text denounces “Israel’s disproportionate military response, which has caused an unprecedented number of civilian deaths.” There is more than a few suspicions that the Jewish state is going beyond what is permitted and permissible. “Israel has the right to defend itself within the limits of international law,” it is reiterated. But this right, it is underlined, «implies that all parties to the conflict must distinguish, at all times, between combatants and civilians, that attacks must be directed exclusively towards military objectives, and that civilians and civilian infrastructure must not be subjected of attacks.”

But it is on the management of the conflict that the Chamber is divided. The People’s Party (EPP) inserts an amendment at the last moment which opens up the possibility of a “permanent ceasefire”, but only “on the condition that all the hostages are released immediately and unconditionally and that

the terrorist organization Hamas is dismantled.” A position that does not convince half the hemicycle. The amendment was approved by a handful of votes: 257 “yes”. 242 “no”, 17 abstentions. To vote against socialists, greens and radical left, together with the non-members of the 5 Star Movement. The Liberals (Re) are split: two thirds against the PPE amendment, one third in favor (52 to 25).

It is feared that the conditions set are not achievable. Having complicated the release of all the hostages taken on 7 October by the Palestinian militiamen, the dissolution of the organization which the EU has recognized as terrorist since 2001 appears even more difficult. A part of the Chamber fears that a ceasefire permanent is only a facade, not really achievable, thus leaving Israel a free hand in the Palestinian territories, in particular in the Gaza strip. But the coup succeeds, also thanks to the decisive and compact support of the sovereignists (ID) and above all of the conservatives (Ecr), the group in which Fratelli d’Italia sits, for a convergence that in Strasbourg is read as technical proof of possible alliances after the European elections at the beginning of June.

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The resolution voted by the Chamber, which is not binding but has clear political content, also contains criticism of Israel. In addition to the disproportionate military response, the Tel Aviv government is implicitly accused of having created an unbearable situation for civilians. There is “deep concern about the disastrous and rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip”, which calls for “full, rapid, safe and unhindered urgent humanitarian access to the entire Gaza Strip” with “the immediate restoration of vital infrastructures”.

To relaunch the two-state peace process, the need for “an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories” is underlined, with the Chamber of the EU Parliament reiterating that “Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are illegal according to international law”. Speaking of settlers, firmness is also called for towards them. The MEPs condemn the increase in their violence against Palestinians, and call for “the imposition of restrictive EU measures against extremist settlers who violate human rights and international law”.

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