Home » New coach: SV Lambrechten relies on an internal solution

New coach: SV Lambrechten relies on an internal solution

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New coach: SV Lambrechten relies on an internal solution

The long-time coach moved – as reported – to SV Grieskirchen in the regional league. In the search for a successor, the sporting management around Michael Berrer has now found what they are looking for within their own ranks: Peter Jaksa, a mainstay in the Lambrecht midfield as a player since the summer of 2022, is taking over the coaching position. In his role as player-coach, Jaksa is also supported by the previous reserve coach Peter Andorfer and defender Gergö Kalmar.

Interim solution until summer

“We are very pleased that we can present our desired internal solution with Peter Jaksa as player-coach for the upcoming spring championship until summer. In the discussions together, it quickly became clear that this internal interim solution is the best fit for the SVL in the current phase and situation “Peter Jaksa has been able to gain a lot of experience and footballing expertise based on his career and his previous positions,” Berrer is quoted as saying in a statement from the club on Facebook. They are convinced that with the new coach they can achieve their sporting goals for the current season and play a good second half of the season.


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Valentin Berghammer

Innviertel editorial team

Valentin Berghammer

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