Home » adios fast fashion, I said 6 years ago – Eline Rey

adios fast fashion, I said 6 years ago – Eline Rey

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adios fast fashion, I said 6 years ago – Eline Rey

Do you also want to build a conscious wardrobe step by step? With my podcast “Sustainable Wardrobe Mission” I take you to the very beginning of my personal fashion mission, give you insight into my head and the clothing world and flood you with practical tips. Because 6 years ago I made a passionate decision: I would never buy fast fashion again. In this very first episode I will tell you about the lead-up and the final trigger that completely convinced me.

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In this first episode I go back in time. This way you will not only get to know me better, you will also discover why I received 36 free shampoos in one year and what the exact trigger was for never buying fast fashion again. My sustainable fashion mission has now been going on for 6 years and I have experienced it through trial and error. For each of those 6 years, I would like to give you 1 golden lesson so that you can build your own responsible wardrobe.

1. Take half an hour to reflect on your current wardrobe.

Ask yourself whether you are happy with your clothes, what feeling your wardrobe gives you, whether there are items you miss, what your biggest bad purchase was so far and why, … And write down your answers. After this moment of reflection you will undoubtedly come to some great insights.

2. Know that not everyone has the same interpretation of ‘sustainable clothing’

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Of course, there are established facts that you cannot ignore, but there are variables that you can determine yourself. Investigate which elements are important to you: are they eco-friendly materials? An honest production? Local production? A positive social impact in the production country? Is it making vegan choices? Maybe just consume less?

3. Don’t make the same mistake I did when you choose to stop buying fast fashion.

In the beginning I found it difficult to continue wearing clothes from international chains. That didn’t feel right and it was wrongly between my two ears. Because of course the idea is not to make your wardrobe completely sustainable from one day to the next. Enjoy the process. Rome wasn’t built in one day either.

4. Don’t just get stuck on quality labels and certifications

Although I regularly recommend quality labels and certifications as one of the parameters to recognize a responsible clothing brand, you should not be 100% committed to this. Just like the material of a garment, it gives a good indication, but it does not reveal everything.

5. The most sustainable piece of clothing is already in your closet.

That’s why it’s so important to cherish your current items and restore them if necessary. That caring mindset gives you a different view of your clothes and teaches you to appreciate what you already have.

6. Be inspired

Today there are so many organizations, brands and people working on making the fashion industry more responsible. Follow accounts you feel a match with. Some of my personal favorites on Instagram?

You are of course also more than welcome in my own Instagram community, which I started ten years ago. Via @elinerey, you can enjoy responsible fashion tips every week and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, because I love helping you!

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