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Slow chewing: the advantages on health, figure and sporting activity

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Slow chewing: the advantages on health, figure and sporting activity

The Importance of Chewing Well for Digestion and Overall Health

Chewing your food well is not just a matter of good manners, it also plays a crucial role in your overall health. According to Dr. Antonella Rigante, head of the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Service of the Zucchi Clinical Institutes of Monza, chewing represents the first part of the digestive process and is the only one in which the person can play an active role. Proper chewing is essential for good digestion as it begins with the production of enzymes secreted by the salivary glands which, together with chewing, help bring the food bolus to a level of fragmentation that facilitates subsequent digestive processes.

In addition to promoting good digestion, chewing your food well also offers other health benefits. Chewing bites for a long time promotes a sense of satiety, which can help in controlling appetite and preventing overeating. It also reduces the risk of suffocation and helps preserve the health of the mouth and esophagus. Furthermore, good chewing habits can also lead to decreased production of air in the intestine, reducing abdominal swelling.

Moreover, for athletes, proper chewing is crucial as it not only limits appetite but also promotes better absorption of nutrients contained in foods, which are essential for physical activity.

Despite the many benefits of chewing well, it is often overlooked in discussions about healthy eating habits. While there is significant attention placed on what we eat, there is much less emphasis on how we eat. Dr. Rigante points out that while institutions, associations, and individuals are heavily involved in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, the topic of chewing is rarely addressed.

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Therefore, it is important to recognize the importance of chewing well and to be mindful of this important activity for the benefit of our overall health. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, remember to slow down and chew your food well for the sake of your health and well-being. After all, it is in the mouth that digestion begins.


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