Home » Netanyahu’s wall: «No Palestinian state as long as I am prime minister»

Netanyahu’s wall: «No Palestinian state as long as I am prime minister»

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Netanyahu’s wall: «No Palestinian state as long as I am prime minister»

Middle East

Benyamin Netanyahu slams the door in the face of Joe Biden and the EU again: as long as he is prime minister, there will be no Palestinian state, much less with sovereignty over Gaza

January 22, 2024


Biden with Haley, jokes about Trump after the gaffe about Pelosi

Joe Biden’s campaign sides with Nikki Haley in attacking Donald Trump for his recent statements in which he confused the former ambassador to the UN with the former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “I don’t agree with Nikki Haley on everything, but we agree on this: she’s not Nancy Pelosi,” says the Biden campaign on X. During a rally in recent days, Trump repeatedly confused Haley with Pelosi. A gaffe that exposed him to criticism from the former governor of South Carolina, who spoke of “mental decline” due to her age.


Labor Israel, no-confidence motion for Netanyahu government

The Israeli Labor Party, 4 out of 120 seats in the Knesset, will today present a motion of no confidence – the first since the start of the war – against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government due to “its failure to bring home the hostages” held by Hamas in Gaza . The party made this known by underlining that “the government is not taking the necessary decisions to save them and bring them back”. Labor – led by Merav Michaeli – said it expected the opposition parties to “support the no-confidence motion”, even if the chances of it passing are very slim.

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Middle East: EU will warn Israel of consequences in case of no to 2 states

In a document that the EU could propose to the Foreign Affairs Council today and which is currently circulating in European chancelleries, Brussels proposes to the 27 to “explain the consequences they expect to have in the event of commitment or non-commitment” by Israel with their proposed peace plan. The plan envisages the creation of a state for Palestine and mutual recognition of sovereignty – the so-called two-state solution. The Financial Times writes this in an article published yesterday afternoon in its online version. The proposal, explains the British paper, shows an increase in EU pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a long-term peace plan.

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