Home » Tip for losing weight: How to lose belly fat without exercising

Tip for losing weight: How to lose belly fat without exercising

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Tip for losing weight: How to lose belly fat without exercising

Are you actually happy with your body, but the stubborn rolls of fat around your stomach are getting on your nerves? Belly fat is not just a question of aesthetics, but also a question of health.

This is how dangerous belly fat is for your health

Experts repeatedly warn that the visceral fat, which surrounds the internal organs such as the digestive system in the abdominal cavity, contains hormones that cause illness. These can promote insulin overproduction and therefore cause high blood pressure and inflammation in the body. In the worst case, a heart attack can also be the result.

That’s why it makes sense for health reasons to attack our fat deposits – and this is even possible without exercise.

Reduce stress

Stress in the family or trouble with colleagues at work – constant stress makes you fat. As soon as we are overstressed, the organism releases the hormone cortisol. Not only does it make you hungry, but it also slows down your metabolism

The stress hormone signals to the body that it is in a dangerous situation. That’s why everything we eat ends up in fat deposits as energy reserves – preferably in the stomach.

Take vitamin C

Researchers at Arizona University have found that vitamin C increases fat burning in the body by more than a third.

How is this possible? To burn fat, the organism needs the growth hormone HGH during sleep. However, it is only formed with enough vitamin C.

Another hormone that supports fat loss is norepinephrine. It is produced in the adrenal glands – if there is enough vitamin C. One more reason to have a grapefruit for breakfast more often. The citrus fruit is bursting with vitamin C. If you don’t like it, you can use kiwis or oranges.

Refuel with vitamin D

We are particularly happy about this point because vitamin D is said to keep the stomach slim. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have found that people with a lot of vitamin D in their bodies tend to have less belly fat. In addition to metabolism, it also stimulates cell renewal and the immune system, which provides an energy boost.

See also  Getting fat, the culprit is not metabolism but age and food

Balanced nutrition

By eliminating certain things from your food list, you can get rid of belly fat relatively quickly. Sugar and processed carbohydrates such as white bread, cornflakes, rice or pasta are taboo; also sweets, sugary drinks and alcohol.

The following are allowed on your plate: vegetables, protein in the form of legumes such as beans and lentils, non-fat dairy products, lean meat and whole-grain breads and pastas. In contrast to the white flour variant, whole grain products keep you full longer and the fiber they contain also stimulates fat loss.

The right fats

When people hear the word diet, they believe that fat is an absolute no-go. However, that is not true. Experts differentiate between unsaturated and saturated fats.

The latter are bad because they increase cholesterol levels and therefore the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They are found in dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, cream, red meat, fried foods, convenience foods and sausage products.

The good fats, on the other hand, such as those found in nuts, avocado, vegetable oils and fatty fish such as salmon, are important for the body’s absorption of vitamins and can even lower cholesterol levels.

Sleep longer

How to save extra unnecessary calories? By simply sleeping longer. Seven to nine hours of sleep per day is ideal.

Not only do we not eat while we sleep, but the body also burns fat while we sleep if we eat dinner at the right time.

If you eat as early as possible, the time until breakfast is longer. If you “fast” for at least 12 hours in between, the organism activates autophagocytosis. During this cell renewal process, the organism draws on the body’s own reserves – but only when the insulin level is low. That’s why it’s important that we don’t eat just before going to bed.

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