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The different faces of violence – breaking latest news

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The different faces of violence – breaking latest news

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The extreme situations of violence that we have experienced in recent years have worsened since 2023. Like any crisis, it is taken advantage of by those who control economic and political power. For them, the owners of power, through the media, deceive us and keep us in useless and absurd debates, as a distraction, so they can stay in power.

With the support of some comments from Father Pedro Pierre, we are going to reveal this conspiracy of those who seek to control us through different kinds of violence:

Diagnosis and causes of the different faces of violence:

“To solve the problems of crime, street violence, murders, drug trafficking, or the end of narco-terrorist groups, some ask for the death penalty, others for the free carrying of weapons, others for the return of ‘ saviors’ like Pinochet or León Febres Cordero, others the intervention of the North American army. These attitudes seem quite perverse and cowardly to me. They hide the failure of these people who have not been able or have not collaborated to build an Ecuador of justice and fraternity. Why aren’t the real drug traffickers – the ‘white collar’ ones – who are calm and happy in other countries, in some ministries of the last two governments, in the judicial institutions or in the police and police themselves, being persecuted and punished? army?

Let’s start with unemployment. Why are so many young people from 2 decades or more increasingly dedicated to drug trafficking? Simply because they can’t find any alternative. They do not have job opportunities, many live in indecent houses, they eat poorly, they do not have access to satisfactory health and educational care… We are accomplices and concealers of the delinquency of our young people, because we do not work to ensure the validity of the basic rights that correspond to them. , as employment is the first of them.

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Let’s move on to what matters. Who among us, as a child or adolescent, has not committed some mischief or, let’s say, perhaps some more serious misdeed? How have our parents behaved? For a father and a mother there are no bad children, but only children and always children.

The future ‘last generation’ prisons are not going to solve the problems of unemployment, state corruption and the accumulation of wealth in a few hands. Nor the popular consultation of 20 questions! which is nothing more than a smokescreen. Incidentally, they want to increase VAT from 12 to 15”.

What can and should we do?

“In the current Ecuadorian reality, we all need to pitch in to achieve the necessary and urgent transformations. Individually, we must live in simplicity, fraternity, sharing and mutual help. The task is also collective, because it is in groups and communities that we can understand, live and act better. Let’s make it a priority to inform ourselves and train ourselves better to be more aware, organized and brave.” “Spiritually, we have to find in faith and humanism the necessary encouragement to live better personally and build together an Ecuador of brotherhood and progress. Socially, let’s join the people and organizations that are in this dynamic. Either we save each other or we are irremediably lost!”

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