Home » The second plenary session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee held its second plenary session. 16 members delivered speeches at the conference to pool wisdom and strength to build a new pattern of economic development in the capital_Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference_Window of the Capital_Beijing Municipal People’s Government Portal

The second plenary session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee held its second plenary session. 16 members delivered speeches at the conference to pool wisdom and strength to build a new pattern of economic development in the capital_Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference_Window of the Capital_Beijing Municipal People’s Government Portal

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The second plenary session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee held its second plenary meeting. 16 members gave speeches at the meeting to pool their wisdom and strength to build a new pattern of economic development in the capital.

On the afternoon of January 22, the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee held its second plenary session. Focusing on the themes of economic development, technological innovation, people’s livelihood security, ecological environmental protection and other topics, 16 members took to the rostrum to deliver speeches at the conference. to provide suggestions and suggestions for building a new pattern of economic development in the capital.

Economic Development
Support the creation of local fashion consumer brands
Promoting high-quality economic development in the capital is a hotly discussed topic among committee members. Gu Weida, a member of the CPPCC and chairman of Beijing Fashion Holdings Co., Ltd. from the economic circle, proposed to vigorously cultivate fashion consumer brands and promote the high-quality development of international consumer center cities.

“Beijing ranks among the top in terms of the number of platform companies and industry scale in the country and has contributed significantly to Beijing’s GDP growth.” An Ting, member of the CPPCC and chairman of Beijing Hiken International Culture Group, spoke on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, focusing on the promotion of platforms Economic norms and healthy and sustainable development.

Technological Innovation
Cultivate a new growth pole for the capital’s biopharmaceutical industry
The committee members provided suggestions and suggestions on building an international science and technology innovation center. Jing Zhicheng, member of the CPPCC and vice president of the Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, spoke on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Peasants and Workers’ Party and suggested cultivating a new growth pole for the capital’s biomedical industry.

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“People’s livelihood security
Establish a new talent training and selection system
” Education and medical care are a livelihood topic that is generally concerned by society. The committee members also focused their speeches on the field of people’s livelihood protection and provided suggestions and suggestions.

Yan Wei, member of the CPPCC and secretary-general of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Democratic League, spoke on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Democratic League, suggesting that we should focus on cultivating students’ core qualities, deepen the reform of educational evaluation, and establish a new talent training and selection system.

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