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Tardigrades are invincible in the face of extreme pressure, scientists discover precise molecular mechanism | TechNews Technology News

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Tardigrades are invincible in the face of extreme pressure, scientists discover precise molecular mechanism | TechNews Technology News

“Scientists Find the ‘Chemical Switch’ that Allows Tardigrades to Enter a State of Suspended Animation”

Tardigrades, often referred to as the strongest creatures on Earth, have long been known for their ability to survive in extreme environments. Now, researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery that sheds light on the molecular process behind their nearly invincible nature.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Marshall University recently published a study in the journal PLOS One, revealing that tardigrades have a “chemical switch” that allows them to enter a state of suspended animation and reversible dormancy, known as the tun state.

The study involved exposing the tardigrade species Hypsibius exemplaris to extreme conditions such as minus 80°C, high hydrogen peroxide, and strong salt solutions to induce the tun transformation. Researchers found that reactive oxygen species (ROS) emit a reversibly oxidized cysteine ​​signal, which acts as the chemical key to the tardigrade’s ability to enter and exit the tun state.

This discovery provides new insight into the biological process that enables tardigrades to survive in harsh environments. While early research has uncovered the mechanism that causes tardigrades to enter suspended animation, the trigger for this state had remained a mystery until now.

The study also revealed the crucial interaction between oxygen free radicals and the amino acid “switch” in tardigrades. When the researchers blocked cysteine in tardigrades, the creatures were unable to enter a dormant state, underscoring the importance of this molecular process.

While not all tardigrade species experience the tun state, this discovery could open up new avenues for research on these extraordinary creatures and their ability to tolerate extreme living conditions. The study represents a significant advancement in understanding the mechanisms behind tardigrade’s resilience and could have implications for various scientific and technological applications.

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As scientists continue to unlock the secrets of tardigrades, their findings could have far-reaching implications in fields such as biotechnology and space exploration, where the ability to withstand extreme conditions is of great importance. The study offers a glimpse into the incredible adaptability and survival strategies of these microscopic creatures, further solidifying their status as one of the most resilient life forms on Earth.

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