Home » Attention vegans: eating meat also makes you age better

Attention vegans: eating meat also makes you age better

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Attention vegans: eating meat also makes you age better

Why it is important to eat meat? A study arrives that explains the reasons why if you want to age healthily you shouldn’t forget about foods of animal origin. For years, major research centers have been praising the advantages of following a plant-based diet.

Researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts found that consuming small quantities of meat and dairy products can make us age better. At the moment this link has been discovered in women. You can read the results in the scientific journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Only a few weeks ago a study was discussed that claimed how meat contains a protein that helps prevent cancer.

American research investigating why it is important to eat meat

The research team has analyzed the data of 48,000 ladies, who ate mainly plant proteins such as legumes, but also consumed small amounts of animal proteins. The experts took information from the study Harvard University’s Nurse’s Healthwhich collects data on the health of thousands of American nurses from 1984 to 2016.

At the beginning of the research the women were aged between 38 and 59 years They had no physical or mental health problems.

The risk for the 11 most common diseases was analyzed

Every four years the Tufts University team collected data on the proteins eaten by women. They then compared the diets of women who had not developed any chronic disease or mental health conditions with those of women who had developed one of these diseases. Conditions included cardiovascular disease, renal disease, cancer and Parkinson’s.

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Why is it important to eat meat, even if in small quantities?

The researchers found that they were 46% more likely to be healthier compared to women who followed only vegetarian or vegan diets. In particular, cases of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and cognitive decline decreased.

Research tells us that though women who ate protein primarily from meat increased their risk of not being in good health 6 percentonce you become older.

So It’s perfect that most of the diet is plant-based, but meat also contributes to a healthy life. Research has confirmed that eating animal-based proteins allows us to be healthier as older adults.

Why is it important to eat meat? It’s not just about proteins

The Meat proteins are generally more easily assimilated. Furthermore there are other important nutritional properties, such as vitamina B12 and the EME ironmore bioavailable than that provided by plants.

This isn’t the first study to suggest adding some meat to your diet. A FAO research had confirmed that animal proteins had a important content of nutrients, such as fat, iron, calcium and zinc. A 2020 research warned vegans, claiming that their bones are more fragile and therefore more subject to possible fractures.

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