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Navigating Nervousness vs. Anxiety: Understanding the Differences and Finding the Right Care

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Navigating Nervousness vs. Anxiety: Understanding the Differences and Finding the Right Care

The terms “nervous” and “anxious” are often used interchangeably, but experts say that they are actually very different concepts. While nervousness is a manageable and temporary reaction to a specific situation, anxiety can be more pervasive and require psychological treatment.

According to attorney Gabriela Martínez Castro, the director of the Center for Specialized Studies in Anxiety Disorders (CEETA), “nerves” are a concern suffered by people in a state of difficult rest, making it hard for them to relax. On the other hand, anxiety is more comprehensive and includes nerves as well as psychomotor agitation.

Dr. Elsa Constanzo, the head of the Fleni Psychiatry Service, explains that anxiety is a continuous, persistent symptom of fear, nervousness, or fright with physical symptoms. She also notes the difference between anxiety and panic attacks, with the latter being a sudden episode of anxiety due to no specific trigger.

The differences between nervousness and anxiety are many, including the fact that nervousness tends to disappear once the stressful situation is overcome, while anxiety can persist over time. Moreover, nervousness tends to be focused on a specific situation, whereas anxiety is characterized by a fear of something bad happening and can lead a person to anticipate negative situations.

Experts recommend working on preventing anxiety through regular exercise and a healthy diet. Furthermore, they emphasize that if medication is needed, it should be sought out, as there are very safe, cutting-edge medications that can help. Ultimately, it is essential to seek proper treatment for anxiety to ensure overall well-being.

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