Home » Satellite images show demolition of unification arch in North Korea

Satellite images show demolition of unification arch in North Korea

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Satellite images show demolition of unification arch in North Korea

In a surprising turn of events, North Korea has followed through on its promise to tear down the iconic reunification arch in Pyongyang. Satellite images taken by Airbus’ Plèiades Neo satellite on January 23 reveal that the arch has indeed been demolished, just over a week after the announcement was made by leader Kim Jong Un.

The images show several trucks and cranes on the North Korean reunification highway, indicating that the demolition of the arch was a carefully planned and executed operation. The arch, which was built by Kim Jong Un’s father, Kim Jong Il, in 2001, stood at nine stories high and took two years to complete.

This move comes at a time when tensions between North and South Korea are escalating. Kim Jong Un, in recent weeks, has expressed that North Korea will no longer pursue reconciliation or reunification with South Korea, signaling a shift in the country’s stance towards its neighbor.

The tearing down of the reunification arch, once a symbol of hope for reunification, is a symbolic manifestation of North Korea’s changing approach to its relationship with South Korea. It remains to be seen how this development will impact the already fragile relations between the two countries.

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