Home » Ayyamul Bidh Fasting Intentions 13 Rajab 2024: Arabic, Latin, Translation

Ayyamul Bidh Fasting Intentions 13 Rajab 2024: Arabic, Latin, Translation

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Ayyamul Bidh Fasting Intentions 13 Rajab 2024: Arabic, Latin, Translation


Muslims will fast ayyamul will be in the month of Rajab 2024 starting tomorrow, Thursday (25/1/2024). Tomorrow coincides with 13 Rajab 2024 AD/1445 AH.

As for fasting in the month of Rajab, which is a haram month, it has a priority. The reason is, worshiping in the haram month will receive double rewards.

Apart from that, fasting ayyamul bidh itself also has virtues, namely the reward of those who fast ayyamul bidh like fasting all year round.



Fasting on three days each month is like fasting throughout the year.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1979)

Surely you don’t want to miss it, right? For this reason, read the reading about fasting intentions ayyamul bidh 13 Rajab 2024 below!

Ayyamul Bidh Fasting Intention Reading 13 Rajab 2024

Fasting intention ayyamul bidh 13 Rajab 2024 is not at all different from fasting ayyamul bidh in general. Quoted from the NU Online page, intention to fast ayyamul bidh which can be read as follows:

I intended to fast the white days for the sake of God Almighty

Nawaitu shauma ayyâmil bîdl lilâhi ta’âlâ.

Meaning: “I intend to fast ayyamul bidh (days with bright nights) for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”

Still from NU Online, apart from intending it in their hearts, detikers are also required to say it orally. When is the intention read?

Based on Al-Malibari, Fathul Mu’în, volume II, page 223, the intention of fasting ayyamul bidh You can start reading it from evening until noon before zawal time (the sun starts to slip to the west).

Fasting Procedures Ayyamul Bidh 13 Rajab 2024

Doing sunnah fasting ayyamul bidh on 13 Rajab 2024 is also not much different from fasting in general. As a reminder, here are the procedures for fasting ayyamul bidh:

1. Niat karena Allah Ta’ala

All worship begins with intention. As for intentions, it is enough to establish them in your heart, without needing to pronounce them.

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2. Eat Sahur

In addition to being more resistant to fasting all day, there is also a blessing in the suhoor meal. From Anas bin Malik RA, the Prophet SAW once said,

Eat sahur because indeed in sahur there are blessings.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1923)

3. Fasting

After doing sahur, then fasting. This means refraining from eating, drinking and things that break the fast, from sunrise to sunset.

4. Taking care of yourself during fasting

During fasting, Muslims should protect themselves from things that can cancel or reduce the rewards of fasting, such as backbiting, harsh words, and so on.

5. Increase Good Deeds during Fasting

During fasting, you can keep yourself busy by doing more good deeds, such as performing sunnah prayers, reading the Qur’an, and giving alms.

6. Hasten to break the fast when it is time

It is sunnah to break the fast at the beginning of time. So, when you hear the call to prayer, immediately break your fast.

This one etiquette is mentioned in a hadith where the words of the Prophet SAW read,

“People are always in goodness as long as they hasten to break the fast.” (HR. Ibn Majah, authentic according to Al-Albani).

7. Reading the Prayer to break the fast

Already know the more authentic prayer for breaking the fast according to the teachings of the Prophet? Here is the reading to its meaning:

The thirst has gone, the veins have been moistened, and the reward has been confirmed, God willing.

Dzahabazh zhoma’u wabtallatil ‘uruqu wa tsabatal air insya Allah

Meaning: “The thirst has disappeared and the veins have been wet, and the reward has been determined, God willing” (HR. Abu Daud no. 2357, hasan).

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When is this prayer said? As practiced by the Prophet, the prayer for breaking the fast is said after breaking the fast.

When eating and drinking to break the fast, detikers simply recite basmalah. After the thirst is quenched, then we practice the prayer above.

That is the information about reading the intention to fast ayyamul bidh on 13 Rajab 2024. Let’s practice, detikers!

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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