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Theme your Elsa Morante

Source: ansa

Elsa Morante She is among the most well-known and appreciated Italian writers of the entire twentieth century. She is mainly famous for having written and published in 1974 Historywas also an essayist, a translator and a poet.

If the Italian teacher at school assigned you a him about this important writer and you don’t know where to start, here are some useful tips and ideas for your essay.

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Theme on Elsa Morante: progress

Elsa Morante is one of the most important and well-known writers of the second half of the twentieth century. She was a brilliant and creative author, endowed with authentic delicacy both stylistic and expressive, during her life she composed multiple literary works and some novels. Her literary career began very early, in fact, from a young age she began to compose writings, nursery rhymes and stories for children.

Elsa Morante met Alberto Moravia, her future husband, in 1936 and with him she frequented numerous Italian writers and intellectuals of the time, including Saba and Pasolini.

The first two novels

Among Elsa Morante’s most famous works is Lies and spellsthe author’s first novel which was published in 1948. In this work, Elsa Morante represents and analyzes the decline and worsening of the state of a wealthy family living in southern Italy through a fantastic description.

Elsa Morante’s second novel was published in 1957, Arturo’s islandin which the author narrates and represents the feelings of aversion, hostility and at the same time of passion that belong to a young boy towards his young stepmother.

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The third novel: The story

But the writer’s most famous novel is Historypublished in 1974, in which the great disaster caused by the Second World War is narrated and remembered through the events of humble and common characters, such as the main protagonists of the story: a humble teacher named Ida with her two sons, Nino and Giuseppe, known as Useppe. History it can be considered a novel with a historical background, capable of providing very detailed information on the Second World War and the immediate post-war period. In fact, in the novel there are short summaries of the main historical events of those years.

The last novel and the posthumous work

Subsequently, Elsa Morante publishes her latest novel, Aracoeliin this book, the writer tells the story of an aristocratic and wealthy character who is continually searching for her origins and her own individual personality, which she tries in every way to reacquire through the memory of her dear deceased mother.

The work entitled Diary 1938, instead, it was published posthumously, i.e. after the writer’s death. Here Elsa Morante delicately and sensitively recounts the events, events, deepest desires and deceptions of her youth and adolescence. This text is able to show hidden aspects of the writer’s character.

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