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Heart attacks and strokes: if you do this you reduce the risk of being affected, science says

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Heart attacks and strokes: if you do this you reduce the risk of being affected, science says

To reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes you only need a small daily habit: here’s what you need to do according to science.

Heart attacks and strokes – Adriatico24ore

According to a scientific study, there is a daily habit that can dramatically reduce the risk of having a stroke or heart attack, and it’s something very easy to implement. Here’s what it is, and why it’s good for our hearts.

Infarcts from blows

Strokes and heart attacks are caused by the buildup of fatty deposits inside the arteries. These complicate the passage of blood and lead in the long term to a very substantial risk of developing blood clots, angina, or having a stroke or heart attack. Calcification of the arteries causes the accumulation of these fatty deposits commonly known as arteriosclerosis, which is very dangerous precisely because it manifests itself with tragic events such as those listed above.

Various studies have been carried out in this regard, and the existence of one had already been demonstrated in the past connection between cardiovascular health and healthy habits in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. This, in simple terms, means that it was already known to science that Those who go to sleep late run a greater risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.

The absolute novelty, however, is a study that demonstrates “how the circadian rhythm specifically influences arterial calcification”.

A life-saving habit

Waking up early – Adriatico24ore

What scientists believe is a life-saving habit, which can significantly reduce the risk of having strokes and heart attacks, is going to bed early at night and waking up early in the morning. This habit contributes to a correct daily vital balance and at the same time brings very important benefits to our heart. But why?

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A Swedish study found that calcification of the arteries which we talked about above, it is much more common among night owls than early goers. The study was carried out by the University of Gothenburg and was then published in the journal Sleep Medicine. He involved 771 patients between 50 and 64 years old dividing them between “extreme evenings” and “extreme mornings” based on the time slot in which they usually sleep.

Mio Kobayashi Frisk, the first author of the study, explained that the results obtained indicate “that extreme evening chronotype may be linked not only to worse overall cardiovascular health, but also more specifically to coronary artery calcification and the process that leads to calcification of the artery”.

What makes the difference between the first and second subjects is the circadian rhythm, which is nothing other than the mechanism that regulates physiological functions with the alternation of day and night, which is of fundamental importance for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Other studies have shown that Blood pressure, blood fats, weight, physical activity and stress level contribute to arterial calcification but “individual circadian rhythm also appears to be an important risk factor for arterial calcification.”

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