Home » Pay attention to this factor which can determine the onset of tumors, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases

Pay attention to this factor which can determine the onset of tumors, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases

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Science advances quickly, helping us to understand certain behaviors of our organism to set up adequate prevention mechanisms.

In the collective imagination and beyond, many of the physical, psychological and biological characteristics are determined solely by hereditary factors.

In fact, most of the diseases that unfortunately afflict us and our loved ones, among the predisposing factors indicate heredity.

If one of our first degree relatives develops a certain pathology in the course of life, the probabilities that these are part of our genetic heritage increase exponentially.

However, there seems to be another factor that together with the hereditary predisposition exposes us to greater risks.

Research in this field explains why we should pay attention to this factor which can determine the onset of tumors, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.

Pay attention to this factor which can determine the onset of tumors, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases

According to scholars from the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome, our genes, even those inherited from our parents, are strongly influenced by the environmental stimuli we receive in the first 1,000 days of life.

It therefore seems that it is precisely the messages that are received first in the maternal uterus and then from the external environment that intervene in the functioning of genes.

This genetic behavior is probably due to the capacity for evolution and adaptation that all living organisms have developed over the course of human history.

It is precisely this capacity for change that is particularly active. Especially from the moment of conception, in the fetus and in the first two years of a human being’s life.

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This period, full of stimuli for the little ones, seems to be decisive in the development of most of the diseases of adults and the elderly.

What affects our genes in the first 1,000 days of life

It appears that this exchange of messages involving the activation of certain genes is influenced by numerous environmental factors. So, pay attention to this factor which can determine the onset of tumors, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Furthermore, not only pollution, but also certain eating habits, the intake or discontinuation of certain drugs, cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse can contribute to the onset of diseases.

However, it is not only the habits of the parents before conception, during pregnancy and in the growth of the child that are decisive.

Psychological factors can even influence the child in this period, such as living in a peaceful family environment and starting from the first year even physical activity.

The collection of this information reported by the doctors of the Research Hospital of Rome could be crucial in the study of new ways of prevention and treatment.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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