Home » Fedez’s alarm: «The pancreatic enzymes cannot be found»

Fedez’s alarm: «The pancreatic enzymes cannot be found»

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Fedez’s alarm: «The pancreatic enzymes cannot be found»

Fedez Raises Alarm on Shortage of Pancreatic Enzymes

Italian rapper Fedez has taken to social media to raise awareness about the shortage of a crucial drug for patients suffering from pancreatic diseases, including himself. The medication, known as Creon or Creonipe, has been unavailable for several months, leading to increased reports from patients who are unable to access the necessary treatment.

Fedez, who has undergone pancreatic surgery and relies on pancreatic enzymes to assimilate food, shared his concern on Instagram. He highlighted the lack of alternative medications for patients in his condition, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

The shortage has prompted a response from the Ministry of Health, which has assured that the issue is being closely monitored and efforts are being made to ensure the therapeutic continuity for affected patients. The only manufacturing company of the drug has communicated the inability to meet the high demand, attributing the shortage to excess global demand.

In response to the shortage, the ministry has allowed healthcare facilities to import similar medicines authorized abroad and has provided a mechanism for pharmacies to place direct orders with the manufacturer. Viatris, the company responsible for the production of the drug, has acknowledged the supply difficulties and is working to mitigate the impact on patients.

Fedez’s advocacy has sparked further attention to the issue, with many patients reaching out to share their experiences. The rapper has called for collaboration in contacting the Italian Medicines Agency to address the shortage and ensure the availability of the essential medication.

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The shortage of Creon and Creonipe has raised concerns about the accessibility of crucial medications for patients with pancreatic diseases, and efforts are underway to address the issue and minimize the impact on those who rely on these treatments for their health and well-being.

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