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When the RSA is needed for the elderly and not only: how to access it, how much to pay, when nothing is due

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When the RSA is needed for the elderly and not only: how to access it, how much to pay, when nothing is due

Italy’s Aging Population: Navigating Care Options for Non-Self-Sufficient Elderly

Italy is hailed as one of the longest-lived countries in the world, but as its population ages, the challenges of chronic and disabling illnesses have been on the rise. Recent data from Istat revealed that approximately 3.86 million elderly people in the country are not self-sufficient, facing serious difficulties in carrying out fundamental activities of daily life such as walking, eating, washing, cooking, and taking medicine.

The hope for many is to age healthily while maintaining autonomy, but for those who are no longer able to do so, it raises questions about what kind of assistance is available. With the upcoming reform of care for non-self-sufficient elderly people through Law no. 33/2023, there are changes expected in the support system for these individuals.

For families facing the difficult decision of hospitalizing a non-self-sufficient relative in an RSA (Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale), questions about the process, fees, and support from the National Health Service arise. With unclear information and high costs, families often have to navigate through numerous obstacles to use the service effectively.

Amid these challenges, the National Health Service provides residential assistance for people with chronic illnesses or frail conditions who are not self-sufficient. This care falls within the Essential levels of care, but the accreditation criteria and fees vary from region to region.

The process of hospitalization in a public RSA or one affiliated with the National Health Service typically involves a multidimensional assessment by a team of professionals to determine the needs and intensity of care required. However, the procedures may differ from one region to another, requiring individuals to inquire at their local health authority for specific information.

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When it comes to choosing a residential facility, the advice is to verify the accreditation, type of assistance provided, and compliance with health and safety regulations. Inspections have revealed that one in three RSAs are not in compliance, underlining the need for caution in selecting a facility.

As for the fees, while healthcare services in RSAs are free for guests, the “hotel” fee (accommodation, food, and other services) may be paid by the patient or their family, with the option for assistance from the Municipality based on socio-health income criteria.

The recent ruling by the Court of Cassation reaffirmed that in certain cases, such as hospitalization for Alzheimer’s patients, the National Health Service covers the hotel fee, relieving the financial burden on the patient or their family. This ruling underlines the right to health, which must be respected even in situations of limited resources.

As Italy’s population continues to age, addressing the needs of non-self-sufficient individuals poses a significant challenge. With ongoing reforms and legal precedents highlighting the importance of the right to health, there is hope for improved care and support for the elderly and non-self-sufficient in the country.

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