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A red line and a handful of options

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A red line and a handful of options

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during an audience: “Iran is Behind Most Conflicts Igniting the Middle East”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, has been pointed out as the mastermind behind the conflicts wreaking havoc in the Middle East. According to Europa Press, Iran’s footprint can be traced behind most of these conflicts, and the regime aims to extend its revolution and worldview not only to neighboring countries but also to the rest of the world.

For almost 45 years, Iran has been determined to create unrest in the Middle East. Beyond the erratic policies of Western powers, the regime led first by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and later by Ali Khamenei, has been actively involved in fostering conflicts in the region. Iran has created cells and armed forces that have spread throughout the Middle East.

Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite terrorist force commanded by Hassan Nasrallah, is a prime example of how Iran has extended its influence and funding to armed groups in the region. This armed wing has also made an impact on a global scale, with Latin America being one of its significant areas of operation.

Moreover, the Houthi militias in Yemen, which have been a source of conflict in the Arabian country, have also been linked to Iran’s influence and financial support. The rebels have become a major concern for Saudi Arabia, Iran’s historic enemy.

In addition, Iran has provided financial assistance to various groups such as Hamas, which, while having Sunni roots, receives substantial funding from the Iranian regime. The regime’s overall objective is to support groups that seek to challenge the stability of Israel.

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The recent attack on a United States military base in Jordan has further heightened tensions in the region, with President Joe Biden blaming Iran for the incident. The White House is currently evaluating different response options, including selective bombings of Iranian territory or economic sanctions with the support of allied countries.

However, any retaliatory action against Iran poses a significant risk, as it could further escalate the already volatile situation in the Middle East. With Iran’s broad partnerships with countries like Russia, China, and North Korea, and deep ties in Latin America and Africa, the potential for a wider conflict looms large.

As tensions continue to mount, the world remains on edge, waiting to see how the situation in the Middle East will unfold in the coming days.

By X: @TotiPI

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