Home » In shape with Aurora Ruffino: “I only eat if I’m hungry, like newborns”

In shape with Aurora Ruffino: “I only eat if I’m hungry, like newborns”

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In shape with Aurora Ruffino: “I only eat if I’m hungry, like newborns”

Aurora Ruffino, 34 years old, actress, already protagonist of the film “White like milk, red like blood” and of the series “Braccialetti Rossi”, and now on Rai1 with “Lalunga notte”, she cares a lot about taking care of her body. She made her the Greek motto γν?Θι σαυτ?Ν (know thyself).

For her, everything starts from healthy eating, an aspect of life that she cares a lot about. “I take care of my body by trying to eat well at the table. I do enough physical activity and, above all, I listen to my body a lot when I am faced with choices that create an emotional reaction. If a certain type of path makes me tighten my stomach, I know it’s not the right one for me,” he says.

Eat only when you are hungry

A choice also shared by experts. According to the nutritionist Manon Kharzai, professor at the Bio-Medico Campus in Rome, underlines the importance of recovering certain primordial instincts lost with adulthood. Eating only when you feel hungry, without letting yourself go, is a strategic choice for your health. “Aurora is a person who listens a lot to her body and that’s positive: feeling the signals of hunger and satiety is essential.

Something that we lose as we grow up: the newborn can understand when he is hungry and turns away from milk when he is no longer hungry. You don’t give yourself an encore like we do! It acts following a primary instinct that we lose with diets and an often unbalanced and emotional diet. We would always eat. It is no coincidence that most of the people who come to the clinic define themselves as obese and confess that they eat out of nervousness”, explains the nutritionist.

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A few mistakes

Aurora also indulges in some indulgence, despite her dazzling form. “Every now and then I give myself a cuddle: I’m very greedy,” confesses the actress. A small weakness every now and then is also allowed by the nutritionist: “Everyone can indulge in a break every now and then. It’s best not to be obsessed with diets, you need balance!”, explains Kharzai.

The sport

The young actress, involved in many films and fiction, cannot ignore another important aspect, physical exercise. For Aurora it is essential to keep fit daily. “I do one hip hop class a week and do some stretching and home training the remaining days of the week,” she explains.

A training that, however, could be intensified, according to the nutritionist. “Doing hip hop just once a week is not enough, unless it is combined with chamber gymnastics. Two or three times a week would be the maximum, or it can be combined with walking and aerobic and weight training activities are good: they burn fat and increase muscle mass. Physical activity can be stressful at times, but it is an essential component: there are no contraindications. It improves health, raising the immune system. It is good for you to the psyche, it wards off depression, because it releases endorphins. People who are obsessed with spending three hours in the gym are another problem: perhaps they also have eating disorders to treat”, adds Kharzai.


Then there is the aspect of stress to manage between takes and auditions. For this reason, Aurora Ruffino’s ordinary working day also includes a space for meditation. “When I’m not on set, I get up, have breakfast, dedicate myself to my reading: Eastern and Western sacred texts and philosophical texts in general. I do a bit of physical activity, tidy up the house listening to some podcasts and then treat myself to a long walk in the park. I go home and study for the set and for university: I attend the Philosophy course. In the evening I relax by watching a film or series, and I end my day by writing my thoughts in a diary. I avoid everything what gives me the tight feeling in my stomach”, he says.

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Ruffino is convinced that at the center of a healthy and fit body there is self-knowledge. “My advice for staying fit – she says – is to learn to listen to your body and recognize what we need to really feel good And understand what makes us feel bad and that we absolutely must learn to let go of.”

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