Home » Macri ratified his support for Milei: “A fundamental law is going to be voted on to begin a change”

Macri ratified his support for Milei: “A fundamental law is going to be voted on to begin a change”

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Macri ratified his support for Milei: “A fundamental law is going to be voted on to begin a change”

While in the Chamber of Deputies debate the Omnibus Law projectwith some last minute tweaks, the former president Mauricio Macri He left an encouraging message for the ruling party and put a little pressure on potential followers.

“Today is a very important day because a fundamental law is going to be voted on to begin a change in Argentina,” Macri began by saying in his tweet, while in the lower house discussions of all kinds were taking place, such as the expulsion of the businessman Tomás Agote who was listening to the debate and addressed some inopportune words to the FIT leader, Myriam Bregman.

“At the same time, today we will be able to see two groups in action: those who insist on maintaining their privileges by seeking to hinder the Government and those determined to move towards change,” concluded the former president who once again demonstrated his support for the current president, Javier Miley.

With such words, Macri pointed towards Union for the Homeland (UxP), who seek to stop the project, while the PRO once again ratified its position by indicating that they were going to “have an activity to accompany this law.” This was announced by president of the block, in Deputies, Cristian Ritondo.

Operation outcry to Macri

Taking advantage of the motivation caused by the support received from 20 PRO leaders from different provinces, who asked for his return as president of the party, Macri came on stage once again in a key day in Congress.

“He is the right person to carry out this unity process”the PRO governors remarked in a statement, generating a bit of noise in the environment of the current Minister of Security and current representative of the bloc, Patricia Bullrichwho seems not to listen to the requests and continues to play his role.

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Among the advantages, they pointed out that the former president has the “experience, leadership and vision” fundamental for “strengthen the space”. The letter was signed by Horacio Loreiro (Misiones), Luciano Angelini (Jujuy), Héctor Stefani (Tierra del Fuego), Marcelo Bermudez (Neuquén)among others.

Jorge Asís said that Milei’s management “smacks of the risk of collapse” and that he “indirectly vindicates” Peronism

But as if one letter were not enough, some loyal leaders also expressed their support through another writing in which they highlighted that Macri “continues to lead the vocation for change of many in Argentina”. These words were accompanied by the signature of Jorge Triaca, Fernando De Andreis, William Dietrich, Alexander Finocchiaro, Jose Torello and Stephen Bullrich.

“We are convinced that we need to strengthen the party, promote it as a political space that represents the demands of Argentines and, above all, continue working for unity,” they explained.

Both requests reignited the hornet’s nest caused after Milei’s assumption of the presidency, when Bullrich was elected as head of the Security portfolio, in a personal capacity, forgetting about Together for Changethe space that brought together the forces of the PRO, the Radical Civic Union, YES Civic Coalition and Federal Republican Encounter.

The alarms go off after the request of the party leaders to Board of Directors to accelerate the election to define the authorities, with an extension of 45 days after the end of the judicial fair. If they manage to obtain it, it is estimated that the party’s internal elections would take place in mid-March or April.

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