Home » The Doctor Who Melted Andika’s Heart Misses the Band

The Doctor Who Melted Andika’s Heart Misses the Band

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The Doctor Who Melted Andika’s Heart Misses the Band


Andika Mahesa is feeling happiness. The Kangen Band vocalist recently remarried after being a widower for quite some time.

His heart was melted by the woman who worked as a doctor. He also married this woman.

His second marriage was discovered on his wife’s social media, Ayu Kartika Agustina. This was the fifth marriage in Andika’s life.



The wedding was held today using Sundanese customs. Quoted detikHot from Rumpi, Trans TV, Andika Kangen Band is married to a woman who is a doctor today.

Andika Kangen Band married Ayu Kartika Agustina with a dowry of 100 grams of gold. The two of them got married dressed in white wedding dresses.

“Thank God, I accepted the marriage and marriage of Ayu Kartika Agustina bint Abin Kamarudin with a dowry of 100 grams of gold paid in cash,” said Andika Kangen Band, Wednesday (31/1/2024).

Andika Kangen Band’s meeting with Ayu Kartika Agustina took place when the vocalist was running a campaign. It is known that Andika is currently running as a candidate for member of the DPR RI in the 2024 Legislative Election. He will compete in the Electoral District I DPR RI in Lampung from the Democratic Party.

In his narrative, Andika Kangen Band admitted that he would be loyal to Ayu Kartika Agustina. “I will faithfully protect you with all my body and soul,” he added.

Until now, Andika Kangen Band himself has not spoken directly about this matter. detikcom I have tried to contact Andika Kangen Band but the person concerned has not been able to talk about this.

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This is Andika Kangen Band’s fifth marriage. Reporting from various sources, Andika Kangen Band was previously married to Ade Bunga Niari in 2007, but then the two divorced.

Then in 2011 Andika Kangen Band remarried Anggie April Lestari. But again the marriage ended midway. In 2012, the man nicknamed Babang Tamvan married Nadine, but then separated again.

From this marriage, Andika currently has five children.

This article was published on detikHot with the title Happy! Andika Misses Official Band Getting Married Fifth Times, Doctor’s Wife


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