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The Importance of Precision Exercise and the Optimal Time of Day to Exercise

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The Importance of Precision Exercise and the Optimal Time of Day to Exercise

Discover The Benefits of Exercising According to Science

If you’ve ever wondered what time of day is best to exercise, you’re not alone. But if you can’t choose the time of day to exercise due to family, social, or work conditions, don’t worry. Just exercise when you can, and don’t forget that every step counts. Doing something is always better than doing nothing, and more (in a controlled way) is better than less.

The benefits of exercise on health are plentiful and backed by science. In fact, more and more scientific societies consider exercise as true medicine due to its positive effects on the vast majority of organs and systems, and for its impact on both the prevention and treatment of the majority of chronic non-communicable diseases of the 21st century.

However, it has been observed that each person’s response to the effects of exercise is very variable. There are people who experience very large changes after a few sessions or weeks of training, while others do not respond as much to exercise. This has led to the need to individualize the dose of exercise to the characteristics of each person to maximize its benefits.

This new approach to healthcare, known as precision medicine, focuses on tailoring treatments and prevention strategies to each person’s individual characteristics, such as their genetics, environment, and lifestyle. In this new paradigm, exercise plays a fundamental role, especially in those programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, or some types of cancer.

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Recent research results have shown that the effects of exercise could be greater depending on the time of day it is done, with some studies indicating that exercising in the afternoon may be more beneficial for certain health conditions. However, there is still no conclusive scientific evidence about the optimal time to exercise. While science does not show conclusive results, the recommendation is to exercise every day.

Therefore, the message remains the same – move as much as you can and without looking at the clock, just move!

To learn more about physical activity, sports, and physical and mental health, follow EL PAÍS Salud y Bienestar and stay informed about the latest research and recommendations on how to live a healthier lifestyle.

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