Home » Fourteen-year-old quarrels with his parents and runs away from home: found after eight hours

Fourteen-year-old quarrels with his parents and runs away from home: found after eight hours

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Loria, had left the house on foot and without a cell phone. The carabinieri of Bassano recovered it from the parts of Mussolente

LORIA. Six patrols of the Carabinieri of Castelfranco and two tankers of the fire brigade searched for a 14-year-old boy from Bessica di Loria for more than eight hours, then found him in the evening.

The minor did not return home from 2 pm on Friday 10 September, the time when he left his home, after having had a small quarrel in the family. After a few hours of apprehension, the relatives were alarmed and called the carabinieri.

For this reason, the protocols were triggered in the evening and the search for the young man began, who went out on foot and without carrying his smartphone.

At 20.30 the boy was found by the Carabinieri of Bassano near Mussolente.


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