Home » Yopal Personería achieved five places for older adults in a Protection Home – news

Yopal Personería achieved five places for older adults in a Protection Home – news

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Yopal Personería achieved five places for older adults in a Protection Home – news

Several rulings on protection actions filed by the Municipal Office of Yopal requesting the protection of the fundamental rights of elderly people in vulnerable conditions were favorable, achieving the assignment of new places in a Protection Home.

The measures seek to guarantee the fundamental constitutional rights to life, human dignity, equality and protection of older adults who had a high condition of vulnerability, medical diagnoses, deficient socioeconomic resources and, in addition to this, a lack of support network.

Of the seven mechanisms established by the Municipal Public Ministry, during the second half of 2023, five of them were in favor, in such a way that the judicial offices ordered the Yopal Social Development Secretariat to carry out the pertinent actions to materialize the entry of older adults into a Protection Home, in order to guarantee their life in dignified conditions.

Although it is true that in one of the cases the quota was not approved, the Court ordered the Ministry of Social Development of the municipality to constantly monitor the living conditions of the elderly adult in their home, so that their rights are protected. fundamentals, while the EPS Capresoca was ordered to verify through a medical concept whether this person requires nursing or caregiver service.

Regarding the other case in question, the Municipal Office of Yopal presented a challenge to the ruling in the first instance, taking into account that the grandfather urgently requires a place in a Protection Home, due to his condition of abandonment and his disability.

“It should be noted that, during the year 2023, we served 264 older adults in a timely manner. This is how the Ombudsman fulfilled this population that came to require our services, among them; psychosocial, in-hospital and home verification visits,” said representative Rafael Alberto Peña Torres.

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In this way, the Municipal Office of Yopal has exercised the powers that correspond to it as guarantor of human rights in the city, in this case in favor of the elderly, who are subjects of special constitutional protection.

Source: Personalería Communications of Yopal

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