Home » Kerry King was furious when Tom Araya published a photo of Trump on Slayer media

Kerry King was furious when Tom Araya published a photo of Trump on Slayer media

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Kerry King was furious when Tom Araya published a photo of Trump on Slayer media

In January 2017, Tom Araya, bassist/vocalist of Slayer, was the protagonist of a controversy that could have been easily avoided. Tom posted on the group’s social media a montage which showed the members of the quartet together with Donald Trump, at the time, president of the United States of America.

Who deleted our photo with Donald Trump?, asks Tom Araya, lead singer of Slayer

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Guitarist Kerry King, who recently gave an interview to Rolling Stone, was not happy with the post. Kerry stated that he reprimanded Tom because of the content shared on the quartet’s media.

Foto: gregorylee @ www.depositphotos.com


“I was really pissed off about it, but not enough to quit my band. I said, ‘Dude, that’s what your personal social media is for. You’re the only one in the band who cares about this idiot, and when you post that, we all support him. And I’m not [apoiando Trump], Gary’s not there, Paul’s not there. That’s his opinion, not ours. I would never do that to you,” said Kerry, who spoke about her strange relationship with Tom Araya.

“Well, Tom and I have never been on the same page. For example, if I want a chocolate shake, he wants a vanilla one. ‘Kerry, what color is the sky?’. Blue. ‘Tom, what color is the sky?’ from heaven?’. White. We’re just different people. As we advanced in our years, it became more.


Am I going out with Tom? He likes a little tequila and I’m a big tequila drinker, so I take my shot with him and we part ways. We’re not going out together or anything, because we’re very different people.”

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Kerry King’s first solo work is “From Hell I Rise”, which was announced this Monday (February 5th) and will be released on May 17th.


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