Home » National Assembly: Mónica Palencia and Mónica Palacios confront each other verbally

National Assembly: Mónica Palencia and Mónica Palacios confront each other verbally

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National Assembly: Mónica Palencia and Mónica Palacios confront each other verbally

Assembly member Mónica Palacios and the Minister of Government Mónica Palencia had a verbal confrontation in the National Assembly.

According to witnesses of this impasse between the officials, everything arose because the legislator of the Citizen Revolution told Palencia that she was “covering criminal gangs“.

After Palacios’ expressions, the minister reacted by responding that she is “risking her life.” After her short and forceful response, the head of the Ministry of Government chose to leave the National Assembly.

While Palencia was leaving, officials from the National Police decided to go with her. Meanwhile, other officials who were at the site told Palacios to “stop the antics.”

Behind the accident recorded within the National Assembly, various videos were disseminated on social networks in which the verbal confrontation between the officials is observed.

The reactions of the citizens were immediate, many classifying that the legislator’s attitude is not correct. It is not the first time that Palacios has been singled out for her actions, since during the inauguration of President Daniel Noboa she also participated in attitudes that caused rejection in many citizens.

However, the assemblywoman has the back of his bench and people related to his political movement.

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