Home » What could be the side effects of the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine

What could be the side effects of the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine

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Italy, like the rest of the world, is preparing for the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine. The opportunity of it is dictated by the diffusion of the variants and by the need to keep the population immune. However, some doubts arise, both among scholars and among the population. And that is, we ask ourselves: “what will change compared to the previous doses? And above all: “what could be the side effects of the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine?”. To answer these doubts and questions, it is necessary to refer to the data that have emerged so far.

Which categories will get the third dose first

It is specified that the start of the third dose has been given only for the fragile categories and the administrations will begin as early as the end of September. In fact, it is believed that, for these people, the effectiveness of the vaccine can be reduced more rapidly over time. For this phase, we will start with the Pfizer and Moderna drugs. However, it remains to reassure the population about the possible changes compared to the past.

In particular, the question falls on the greater or equal risk of adverse reactions compared to the first two doses. But also about the possible symptoms that should be expected. Well, clinical studies are still underway on the safety and efficacy of the drugs that will be used to carry out the third dose.

Furthermore, from the data collected, it emerged that the level of antibodies of the third dose is three times higher than the second. It too, of course, can cause side effects. However, studies have shown that they could be very similar to those of the first two doses. At least this is what Pfizer and BioNTech assured.

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What the symptoms might be

But let’s see what the countries that have already started with the third dose have found.

Let’s start with what the CDC, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported. They reported that arm fatigue and pain are the most commonly reported side effects. Overall, most of the symptoms were mild to moderate.

In addition, there is a study conducted in Israel of around 4,500 people over 60 who received the third dose. Of them, 88% reported feeling the same way they did after the second dose. So, in summary, the side effects can be summarized in the following symptoms:

  1. pain, redness and swelling in the arm;
  2. fatigue;
  3. headache and dizziness;
  4. muscle and joint pain;
  5. fever and chills.

What could be the side effects of the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine

However, definitive data on the benefit-risk balance as well as efficacy and safety of the third dose are not yet available. In fact, the EMA has not yet expressed itself on the data presented by Pfizer-BioNTech, but it will do so in the coming weeks. This, unless it requires additional information.

In conclusion, overall, Covid vaccines are extremely safe and effective. However, like all vaccines and drugs, they could have side effects, in extreme cases, even serious ones. All with the consequence that it should happen no more and no less than what has happened so far.

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