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more than one million candidates still need to pay registration

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more than one million candidates still need to pay registration

Registration for the Unified National Public Competition closed on Friday, but of the total number of registrants, 1.28 million people have not yet paid the fee that validates membership in the selection. The payment deadline ends on the 16th.

The ‘Enem dos Concursos’ ended the registration period with 2.65 million applicants, a historic record, according to the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI).

Minister Esther Dweck reminds us that final registration depends on payment of the fee:

– So it’s worth warning people who have already signed up and haven’t paid yet.

The minister celebrated the significant number of registered candidates:

– We are happy for the success of this innovation in the public service that is the Unified National Competition. Let’s now build a public service with the face of Brazil!

Fees cost R$60 (for mid-level positions) and R$90 (roles that require higher education). Payment is made through the Union Payment Guide (GRU), which can be paid at the bank or via Pix, with QR Code.

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The selection will fill 6,640 vacancies in 21 federal public bodies (direct, autonomous and foundational Federal Public Administration bodies and entities). The test will be administered on May 5th, in 220 cities across the country.

In the State of Rio, 11 cities will receive the evaluations: in addition to the capital, Belford Roxo, Cabo Frio, Campos dos Goytacazes, Duque de Caxias, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu, Petrópolis, São Gonçalo, São João do Meriti and Volta Redonda.

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Schedule predicted for the Unified National Public Tender

  • January 19th to February 9th: registrations;
  • May 5th: administration of tests;
  • July 30: final release of results;
  • August 5th: start of the call for inauguration and training courses.
  • Higher level: objective tests of general knowledge (20 questions) + discursive test of specific knowledge of the block;
  • Medium level: objective tests (20 questions) + essay.
  • Higher level: objective tests of specific knowledge (50 questions);
  • Medium level: objective tests (40 questions).

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