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“What is at stake in our country are freedoms”

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“What is at stake in our country are freedoms”

Xóchitl Gálvez, a candidate of the opposition coalition Frente Amplio por México for the 2024 presidential election, is advocating for a joint effort between Mexico and the United States to address the migration issue. In a recent interview with CNN, Gálvez criticized President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration, stating that a change in power is necessary to safeguard the division of powers and accused him of not fulfilling many of his promises.

Gálvez emphasized the importance of women’s rights in a country plagued by femicides and historical gender disparities, and highlighted the need for a leader who prioritizes these issues.

During a recent tour of the United States, Gálvez engaged with Mexican communities to better understand the scenarios of documented and undocumented migrants. She described migration as a central theme, stating that it is a priority for the United States and must be addressed through cooperation.

The opposition candidate also criticized López Obrador’s handling of the migration issue, particularly his failure to keep promises related to serving migrants in the United States. If elected, Gálvez intends to negotiate with the United States government, combat human trafficking, and strengthen security on Mexico’s southern border.

In addition to migration, Gálvez addressed the economic growth in Mexico and the need to create work visas and support for immigrants to address the issue of labor shortage in the country. She also proposed the idea of a binational customs agency to prevent the trafficking of fentanyl and weapons.

Regarding the relationship between Mexico and the United States, Gálvez expressed confidence in her ability to work with leaders from both countries, including former President Donald Trump. She emphasized the need to address the issue of young people dying on both sides of the border due to fentanyl trafficking.

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In addition to her policy proposals, Gálvez criticized the current Mexican government, citing corrupt and authoritarian officials who seek to remain in power. She also called on President López Obrador to take legal action in response to recent allegations of campaign finance violations.

Overall, Xóchitl Gálvez’s approach to the migration issue and her plans for diplomatic relations with the United States offer a new perspective in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. Her emphasis on cooperation, security, and economic growth presents a compelling vision for addressing Mexico’s most pressing challenges.

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