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– Don’t team up with a bully – Dagsavisen

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– Don’t team up with a bully – Dagsavisen

– Don’t team up with the bully. Don’t team up with someone who kills their opponents. Don’t side with someone who has invaded a country where so many have been killed, says Republican Nikki Haley in a recent interview with CBSand refers to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At a campaign rally on Saturday, Donald Trump claimed that during his time as president, he told a major NATO country that the United States would not protect it in a Russian attack if it did not invest enough in defense.

Trump said he would rather encourage Russia “to do whatever the hell they want.” He did not say which country he was talking about, writes NTB.

Haley: NATO has been a success

In the CBS interview, Haley points out that NATO has been a success story for 75 years. Media like Politico and New York Times has also mentioned the matter.

– We want each of the NATO countries to contribute enough, but there are other ways to achieve that without you going and telling Russia to do what they want. That is not what we want, says Haley.

Despite the fact that Trump looks set to become the Republican candidate in the US presidential election on November 5, former UN ambassador Haley has not given up on Trump just yet.

Chris Christie, who himself challenged Trump and Haley earlier in the Republican race, but then withdrew, also comes out hard against Trump.

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– Trump’s statements were absolutely inappropriate, says Christie, according to Politico.

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– Trump does not speak like a traditional politician

However, Republican Senator Marco Rubio downplayed Trump’s move. He does not interpret the statements in the same way as Haley and Christie.

– Trump does not speak like a traditional politician, Rubio points out.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke about Trump’s actions earlier on Sunday.

– Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines everyone’s security, including that of the United States, Stoltenberg said in a statement, according to NTB.

Dagsavisen recently mentioned that several experts and politicians are worried about the consequences for Europe if Donald Trump wins the US election.

– But I don’t think European leaders are served by drawing a doomsday scenario of a possible Trump victory in the election on 5 November. There is much that can be done to prevent it from becoming a disaster, said researcher Karsten Friis at the Norwegian Foreign Policy Institute (Nupi) to Dagsavisen.

Also read: Poland’s defense minister reacts strongly to Trump’s NATO moves

Read also: Enraged Medvedev: – Let the earth burn under his feet

Also read: Author on Putin claim: – It would be total chaos

Facts about NATO’s Article 5

  • The defense alliance NATO is built on the basis of the Atlantic Pact from 1949.
  • Article 5 of the pact states that an armed attack against one or more of the member states of Europe or North America is an attack against all. If such an attack takes place, the individual Member State will decide for itself the means by which the attack is to be responded to.
  • The article has been made applicable once, in connection with the terrorist attack against the USA on 11 September 2001.
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(Source: NTB)

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