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helps with blood pressure, intestines and slows down aging – breaking latest news

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helps with blood pressure, intestines and slows down aging – breaking latest news

Kiwi: the Exotic Fruit with Italian Health Benefits

Once considered exotic until the 1960s, the kiwi is now a staple of Italian cuisine and is known for its numerous health benefits. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of this fruit could lead to a number of positive health outcomes, including lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, improved eyesight, and benefits for diabetics and asthmatics.

The vitamin C content of kiwis is particularly impressive, with just two green kiwis providing more vitamin C than an orange and double the daily requirement. The gold variety of kiwis, with their yellow pulp, are even richer in this essential nutrient.

Research has also suggested that kiwis can have a positive impact on the digestive system, with their high fiber and water content contributing to potential laxative effects. Additionally, the fruit’s pectins act as prebiotic fibers, selectively nourishing the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

In terms of cardiovascular health, kiwis are a great source of potassium, with one kiwi providing more than double the amount of potassium contained in a serving of lettuce. Along with sodium, potassium helps regulate fluid levels in the body, which can help to control blood pressure.

Furthermore, kiwi is one of the few fruits that provides a good quantity of vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties. These antioxidants work to counteract the oxidative stress of cells and can help to protect the entire body from cellular aging.

While these findings are based on research and speak to the potential benefits of consuming kiwi, it is important to note that this fruit is not a miracle cure and should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. However, there is no denying the impressive nutritional profile of this Italian favorite.

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The review of kiwi’s health benefits comes from Raffaella Cancello, a nutritionist at the Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Unit of the Italian Auxological Institute in Milan. Her expertise further reinforces the potential value of incorporating kiwi into a healthy lifestyle.

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