Home » Weather: it may rain this Sunday in the AMBA and heavy thermals return in several provinces

Weather: it may rain this Sunday in the AMBA and heavy thermals return in several provinces

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Weather: it may rain this Sunday in the AMBA and heavy thermals return in several provinces

He National Metereological Service (SMN) reported that this Saturday In the City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs, it is expected partly cloudy sky, with winds from the northeast sector that will rotate to the east. A minimum temperature of 23 degrees and a maximum of 29 is expected.

According to the National Meteorological Service (SMN) forecast for tomorrow, domingoa day with mostly cloudy skies is expected, with possibility of isolated rain during the morning and afternoon. Winds are anticipated from the east sector rotating to the southeast, with a temperature that will range between 22 degrees minimum and 28 degrees of maximum.

For him Mondaypartly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies are expected, cwith wind coming from the southeast sector. The temperature will range between 20 degrees minimum and 29 degrees maximumaccording to the forecast of the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

The National Meteorological Service launched its mobile app with the weather forecast

Yellow and orange level alerts for high temperatures and strong winds

According to the National Meteorological Service, it is expected intense heat in the provinces of Neuquén and Mendoza. On the other hand, bursts of wind which could reach speeds of between 45 and 70 kilometers per hour in Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.

The yellow alert for extreme temperatures implies “a mild to moderate health effectwhere it is warned that thermal marks can be dangerous, especially for risk groups, such as boys and girls, people over 65 years of age, with chronic diseases.

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In the south of the province of Mendoza, affects the mountain areas of Malargüe, the lower area of ​​San Rafael and General Alvear. Likewise, it reaches the northwest of Neuquencovering the east of Loncopué, Picunches, Ñorquín, west of Añelo, west of Pehuenches, south of Chos Malal and south of Minas.

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The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued yellow level alerts for strong winds in the southern provinces of Argentina, including Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and Malvinas Islands. Gusts that could exceed 80 kilometers per hour are expected.

In the southeast of the province of Chubutspecifically in the plateau areas of Escalante, Sarmiento and the southeast of Florentino Ameghino, the yellow alert for strong winds this Saturday. Winds are expected from the west sector with speeds between 45 and 70 kilometers per hourwith gusts that could exceed 80 kilometers per hour.

In the province of Santa Cruz, the towns of Corpen Aike, Güer Aike and Lago Argentino will also be under the same warning for strong winds. Likewise, the coast of Río Grande, in the province of Tierra del Fuego and Malvinas Islandswill be affected by this same situation.

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