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“Good morning Norway”: Therefore, the broadcasts will be different

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“Good morning Norway”: Therefore, the broadcasts will be different

This week, “Good morning Norway” will look different than usual.

The TV viewers are probably used to seeing the four presenters on the screen, i.e. Desta Marie Beeder (36), Espen Fiveland (50), Vår Staude (57) and Peter Bubresko (48). They work in partner pairs every two weeks, and this week’s duo are the latter two.

On Wednesday, however, two guest presenters step in for Staude and Bubresko.

Until Friday, they will be in charge of the morning show – and one of them will be a new face in the role of substitute presenter.

WINTER HOLIDAY: Vår Staude and Peter Bubresko will take winter vacation from Wednesday. Photo: Knut Erik Skistad / Good morning Norway

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It will be outgoing reporter Knut Torgersruud Jr. (49) and Camilla Sagen (31) who will steer the ship this week.

PARTNERS: Knut Torgersruud Jr. and Camilla Sagen will be substitute presenter during the winter holidays. Photo: Camilla Blok / Good morning Norway

Staude and Bubresko are due to have winter holidays and will therefore be gone for the last three weekdays. Sagen is already a permanent deputy presenter, while Torgersruud will try his hand at the role for the first time.

– I have never been a presenter in “Good morning Norway” before. I almost started my career with a ski program on TV 2 Norway, which I took over for Dorthe Skappel. I also had a travel program on TV 2 a hundred years ago. But I have been in “Good morning Norway” for almost 20 years as outgoing reporter and music manager, says Torgersruud.

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He is both looking forward to and dreading taking on the task, now during the winter holidays.

– I think it’s great fun and really scary at the same time. I dread saying something stupid, but I’m looking forward to it because it’s a wonderful task to gain trust. I am very humble because I have been given that trust.

– Must reveal one thing

Torgersruud is well used to being on the “Good morning Norway” screen as a reporter. Now that he will be acting as presenter during the winter holidays, there is one thing in particular that he is afraid of.

PARTNERS: Knut Torgersruud jr. and Camilla Botilsrud Sagen are the winter holiday presenter couple. Photo: Camilla Blok / Good morning Norway

– Now I will reveal one small thing. I’ll be controlling the prompter myself, so I’m terrified that I’ll give it a bit too much speed and that it’ll disappear down to the end. I really dread that, he admits.

Prompter is a screen with the script for presenters, who often scroll using a control.

REPORTER: Torgersruud usually works as an outgoing reporter. Here he worked in the snowy weather in Arendal earlier this year. Photo: Private

– But hello, I have the best person in the world who is by my side and who is good as shit. Everything I can’t do, she can do, he says, referring to Sagen.

She herself is looking forward to working as a substitute with Torgersruud.

– We are good colleagues and friends, which I think will shine through and give the viewers a good start to the day. The keywords will probably be coziness, laughter, warmth and good conversations with good guests. Knut and I usually have our conversations on the phone in the private room, but there may be some leaks from them during the conversations, says Sagen.

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See video below from one of Torgersruud’s reports.

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