Home » Wiretapping European Parliament | Info

Wiretapping European Parliament | Info

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Wiretapping European Parliament |  Info

The European Parliament announced that it found traces of spyware on the phones of politicians and staff of its defense subcommittee, “Politiko” reports.

Source: Profimedia

In an internal e-mail of the European Parliament, it is stated that mobile devices are affected by intrusive software monitoring tools, and all MPs are advised to take their phones to the IT service of this institution to be checked.

The European Parliament is on high alert for cyberattacks and potential foreign interference ahead of June’s EU elections, it says “political“.

Also in December, he reported that an internal audit found that the institution’s cybersecurity “has not yet met industry standards” and is “not fully commensurate with the level of threat” posed by state-sponsored hackers and other threat groups.

The deputy speaker of the parliament, Delfin Collard, said that “traces were found in two devices”, and that is why the members of the committee were sent emails inviting them to check the phones, “RT” reports.

“Politiko” recalls that in 2022, researchers discovered that the phones of members of the Catalan Independence Movement, including EU politicians, were infected with spyware such as “Pegasus”.

In 2022, members of the European Parliament set up a special investigative committee to investigate the issue, which looked into a series of scandals in countries including Spain, Greece, Hungary and Poland and said at least four EU governments had misused hacking tools for political gain.


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