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Troubleshooting a 504 Gateway Time-out Error

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Troubleshooting a 504 Gateway Time-out Error

Company Website Experiences Technical Difficulties, Users Encouraged to Retry Requests

On February 22, 2024, the website of the company experienced technical difficulties, resulting in a “504 Gateway Time-out” error message for users attempting to access the site. The error, which occurred at 03:10:08 GMT, was reported to have stemmed from a timeout that occurred while waiting to read data from the network.

The specific URL affected by the error was identified as https://www.workercn.cn/c/2024-02-22/8157173.shtml. Users attempting to access this URL were met with the message that the requested URL could not be retrieved.

The company has provided node information and an IP address associated with the error, as well as a request ID for further investigation. Additionally, users experiencing this error have been encouraged to reach out to the company’s support team for assistance.

Although the company reported that there was “no error” in the system, a timeout may have occurred due to network congestion or server issues. As a result, users have been advised to retry their requests to access the website.

The company has not provided an estimated time for when the technical difficulties will be resolved, but they have assured users that they are working to address the issue promptly.

For now, users are encouraged to be patient and to retry their requests to access the company’s website. Further updates regarding the resolution of the technical difficulties are expected to be provided by the company as they become available.

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