Home » Attorney General made a visit to the north of the country to bring his support to prosecutors in San Pedro

Attorney General made a visit to the north of the country to bring his support to prosecutors in San Pedro

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Attorney General made a visit to the north of the country to bring his support to prosecutors in San Pedro

The State Attorney General, Dr. Emiliano Rolón Fernández, made a visit to the second department today, accompanied by the deputy prosecutor, Patricia Rivarola, where he had an important meeting with tax agents from Area XI. In addition, he visited different regional headquarters.

On the occasion, the head of the FGE referred to the visit carried out in the capital of San Pedro, highlighting the importance of reaching every corner of the country, bringing a message of support to establish action strategies for the institutional strengthening of the Ministry Public.

Likewise, he expressed that the objective is for officials to feel accompanied and that, even with the difficulties we have, they feel service. I am committed to the reform of the penal system, so I will always see myself ¡n in the community, this is my commitment†.

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