Home » Prostate cancer and cardio activity: how the risk is reduced

Prostate cancer and cardio activity: how the risk is reduced

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Prostate cancer and cardio activity: how the risk is reduced

A recent study on prostate cancer and cardio activity, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, revealed a significant link between resistance physical activity and reduced risk of prostate cancer. According to this research, even a modest increase in physical activity can significantly reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer and cardio activity: sport reduces the risk

Prostate cancer will increasingly represent a significant challenge to men’s health, with 1 in 8 men already facing this diagnosis today. The increase in the incidence of prostate cancer is evident, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed in 2023 alone in Italy. However, there are preventative measures that can be taken to mitigate this risk, and physical activity is the first one that can be implemented individually.

Fitness cardiorespiratorio

Cardiorespiratory fitness, which focuses on the well-being of the heart, was the subject of a detailed study conducted by researchers from Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences GIH di Stoccolma. Analysis of data from nearly 58,000 men revealed a significant link between higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and a reduced chance of developing prostate cancer.

An active lifestyle has already proven not only to be effective in preventing many diseases, especially metabolic ones, but also in reducing the risk of contracting numerous forms of cancer, including prostate cancer. Although more research is needed on cardio exercise and prostate cancer, statistical evidence shows that a healthy and active lifestyle can reduce the risk of contracting this disease.

Metabolic diseases and prostate cancer

Furthermore, the study shows that a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the risk of other serious diseases, such as metabolic ones: weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle can in fact increase the risk of developing aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

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In addition to a healthy and active lifestyle, it is essential to undergo regular medical examinations to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Men should consult a specialist at least once a year, and starting from the age of 50, it would be advisable to undergo PSA testing for early diagnosis.

Pay attention to the symptoms

Finally, it is also important to be aware of symptoms that could indicate a prostate problem. While there are no specific symptoms for prostate cancer, persistent urinary problems such as difficulty starting urination, weak urine flow, or the need to urinate frequently may be warning signs. In case of suspicious symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor for an accurate evaluation.

READ ALSO: How doing sports halves the risk of prostate cancer

In conclusion, taking care of your health through adequate physical activity and regular medical visits can be the best defense against prostate cancer, allowing for early and timely diagnosis.

Image by Maciej Cieslak / dowellpatrick / Max


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